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I certainly wasnt scorned when i split from my ex husband, i didnt involve the CSA i had to get a letter drafted to stop them from making my ex pay through them as he was already paying me direct , i can only think they collected info when i applied to get single occupency councill tax as i wasnt claiming benefit as i worked

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Guest foxyjo.

Donk -what a cow. She didn't deserve to be treated so well. I hope your new empire is even bigger and better! All the very best to you. :notworthy:


Missie, it's awful isn't it? I'm lucky in as much as mine is so young he has no idea who his father is. And there's enough chaos and destruction left in his wake for him to have a fair idea when he's older of what sort of a poltroon his father is. He has 2 little girls from an ex, who he messes about mercilessly as well. I hope he stays away for ever now, although it broke my heart when I realised he didn't care about him at first. I even sent him some money for diesel so he could come and see him, but he didn't. It's better this way now though, we have nothing bad and nothing nasty to deal with, just me and two gorgeous little boys. All the best with your little girl, she'll see for herself in time, and remember that you are the one who has been there for her and loved her all this time.x

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Guest hpool_hunter

CSA - :icon_eek::icon_eek:


my daughter is almost 2 years old now , in march , and ive had her mum saying she isnt mine and all sorts , but still i pay my way , they take a percentage from your wages , a fecking high one at that , god help if i had more than 1 bairn :tongue2:

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tehy f****n usless i have a 6 year old to a lass i left nearly 5 years ago i see him regular and pay towards him .....About 2 weeks ago i got a letter off them wanting me to pay for her other kid to her present boyfriend

Funny enough, they only started hounding me when my ex had a new baby with someone else, never heard from them in the previous 12 years or so. :hmm: It only started because she wanted to start claiming IS for the baby.


We'd done things our way. I have her for half the school holidays and every other weekend.

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Foxyjo, i dont know if i will ever have an empire but i sure as hell am determined that whats happened in the past wont keep me down.

Again im going to be honest,ive wasted 3 years feeling sorry for myself,im actually embaressed to think how low i let myself get. But all thats over and to be honest i think ive come out of it a better person than i was.


It must be hard for people bringing up kids on their own,mothers and fathers,all you can do is your best,show them you love and care about them. And try to protect them from the sometimes sheer idiocy that we as adults sometimes show.


I do actually still get on with my ex,despite all thats happened. We have even shared a bottle of wine and sat having a natter at hers or mine from time to time,but thats as far as it goes,i have no intentions of doing anything silly with her :victory:

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Guest foxyjo.

I was a scorned woman...good and proper, at 7 months pregnant with a baby HE wanted me to have!!! But I have far too much dignity to impinge my disappointment and sadness on others. The CSA got involved cos I applied for income support, and they hold you to ransom with it. As I said before, 13p a week 'til I gave them the fathers details. I did in the end, but it made no difference.


Don't tar all women with the same brush. I can look after my own, and I'm happy in MY boots. I've NEVER knowingly done something to hurt anybody financially - scorned or no. F*** the CSA, I will get what was stolen by him, from my other son, (that's a child's money, earnt working on ponies over 10 years, buying young ponies and selling them on when he outgrew - his own money) ....and it won't be via the CSA. :whistling:


Donk - I think she's a lucky lady that you are forgiving enough to drink with her, but it's by far the best way to be for the sake of your children - I take my hat off to you. :thumbs:

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I just think lifes too short to be bitter and angry all the time and like i say to people,'yeah were mates and i dont hold no grudges but i will never forgive her and i would never go back to her' . I think once the trust is gone theres no point in being together?


You sound like a fighter after reading your posts,good luck to you and im sure your sons will grow into fine men with a mother like you :victory:

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I just think lifes too short to be bitter and angry all the time and like i say to people,'yeah were mates and i dont hold no grudges but i will never forgive her and i would never go back to her' . I think once the trust is gone theres no point in being together?


You sound like a fighter after reading your posts,good luck to you and im sure your sons will grow into fine men with a mother like you :victory:



When a situation like this occurs, then everyone is a fighter.



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I just think lifes too short to be bitter and angry all the time and like i say to people,'yeah were mates and i dont hold no grudges but i will never forgive her and i would never go back to her' . I think once the trust is gone theres no point in being together?


You sound like a fighter after reading your posts,good luck to you and im sure your sons will grow into fine men with a mother like you :victory:



When a situation like this occurs, then everyone is a fighter.




Your right mate,and all the people who do have pride,morales and dignity will stand by their kids and do their best for them. Thats why there are so many passionate and heartfelt posts on this topic,because despite differences of opinion and disagreements about who's to blame or who was/is at fault,we all want the best for our kids.

We bring them into this world innocent and unblemished,we owe it to them to do our best,for their sakes not ours and not to use them as some sort of scoring system against partners or ex partners.

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little fish what a childish little saying you have posted.seems to me most on here are paying their way,are you bitter towards men who can have children,does little fish really mean little willy,lol.do you work for the csa.



No, ha, really. I don't have any children - never wanted any - but i do work and pay taxes to keep plenty of them - those that belong to those who bring them into the world then do not face up to their parental responsibilities!

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Guest foxyjo.
You sound like a fighter after reading your posts,good luck to you and im sure your sons will grow into fine men with a mother like you :victory:


Thank you Donk, you're very kind, and I hope you're right!! :)

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