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Have any of you lads been involved with this crowd, my son was told to pay 46 quid a week to his former partner by standing order. He set this up with the bank and the money started coming out of his account every week. Six weeks later he gets a snotty fonecall from some bird in Scotland saying that they have only been recieving 30 quid. After assuring them that the standing order was for 46 he said he would go to the bank to verify this. He was told by the bank that from the time he set the standing order up 46 quid had definately been paid to them. How can they say they have only have had part payment? I have heard a lot of stories about this lot but that takes the biscuit. anyone had a similar carry on with these clown?. REGARDS DAVE

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Dave when i divorsed my husband there were letters arriving daily from this shower saying i had to let them collect maintainence from my sons father, regardless of the fact we split on good terms & my then husband was paying weekly money to me for the upkeep of our son .


In the end i had to get my dad to draft a stiff letter to them for me as i couldnt make them understand that i wasnt a battered wife living on the poverty line, they stopped once it was put to them in a letter

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A lot of money tends to go missing between the father paying and the mother recieving. You definately need to get it sorted, otherwise they'll be setting a charge to his wages or sending him a demand for debts, even if there are none. They stiffed my dad like that.



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Yep a waste of space if you ask me. I signed a form for them to contact and collect from the b@stard I was married to.


That was two years ago. Haven't heard a word from them since.


He never gives me a penny either.

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they stiffed me good an proper,one year i owed nothing and was makin payments every week straight to my x,two years later they say im ten grand in arrears,i told them to f**k off,i deal with the debt collection agency now,lol,they were ok on phone and agreed to accept the payment i said i could afford,i will be dead before so called debt is cleared,so f**k the csa and all the low lifes that work for them.i would add keep every letter they send you,they say one thing then try and do another,im ten grand in debt because i threw a letter away,they had no record of it,lol,our computer system has been upgraded sir and i can find no such correspondance.b*****ds.

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LG, keep on at them.


My ex refused to have anything to do with his daughter and I went to them and although it took a lot of time and hassle after he promised to pay and didn't etc they now have a charge on his wages and he pays.


Ring them weekly if you have to, I spoke to one person who said that if they weren't contacted regularly then the cases get pushed to the back and forgotten about basicly.

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LG, keep on at them.


My ex refused to have anything to do with his daughter and I went to them and although it took a lot of time and hassle after he promised to pay and didn't etc they now have a charge on his wages and he pays.


Ring them weekly if you have to, I spoke to one person who said that if they weren't contacted regularly then the cases get pushed to the back and forgotten about basicly.


I think I'd rather leave it out. He should be paying - definately - but if he does he may well want contact. As it stands, he doesn't support them, doesn't see them and rarely rings them. The last time he called to speak to them I told him to bog off. If he starts paying then he may well say now he's supporting them he wants to see them. And to be honest I think that's a very bad idea.

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don't mention them to me, just had a run in with them a week ago over my three kids, two of which have left school and one which she kicked out four years ago and has lived with me since. Received six letters in six days off them with six different totals on them...not bad ay seeing as its the first time i've had any communication with them since 2000. Wouldn't mind but i pay her money cash each week, regular as clockwork which is what we all agreed to in writing through the csa

Edited by craftycarper
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work this out.....three kids that i pay £60 a week to her for, they live with me for three days per week and when she goes off on holiday i have em. Since we split in 95 i have taken the kids to & from school, bought all their school uniforms, shoes,coats anything they want ..me and me mam provided it for them...they are my kids and thats that. I have done all the dentist and doctors runs etc.cubs, scouts & holidays all paid for by yours truly, she kicked the eldest out four years ago...couldn't cope with him, i took him in...finds out four months later she is still claiming his child benefit...she is not a happy bunny because i say i want it :wallbash: gets it in the end for the short time that was left on it. Now when i rang the csa and told them she kicked him out they said fine just stop paying £20, didn't need to write to them and that was that...i'm no good at maths but £60 for three kids even i can work out...£20 per child am i wrong here? someone explain if i am....any how the other boy left school, decided to go to college then changed his mind and took a year out, he has had a few jobs and had been working now for a minmum of 24 hours a week in a country pub in the kitchen...so i stop another £20, he then decides to go to college which is 13 hours a week so he can still work and do college at the same time..then he stayed here at mine for around three months or more, he goes back to his mums at around christmas and i ain't seem him since...then i get this letter the first one...says they are reviewing my case for the first time since 2000 and that i now only...ONLY have to pay her £57.89 a week. I rings them up and speaks to a nice young lady who says......that three children i pay £60 pound a week for does not equate to £20 per child, i'm stumped at that one :doh: any how it turns out that they did not know my eldest had been kicked out and was living with me for the last four years, she had not told em she was now working full time, had not told them she had re-married (yeah i know none of that matters) hence the reason i have now received letters left right and centre....now they have crossed off the two boys who have left school (ones with me don't forget) and that now....low & behold...i have to pay £39 for my daughter :doh: another thing i don't understand is this.....they reckon that my son is classed as in college full time because he is there for thirteen hours a week, and that he cant be working full time because of this....i says yeah love well if he works saturday 10 -6 & sunday 10- 10 plus odd shifts in the week how can he be classed as working part time.....full time my friend is if he works 25 hrs or more i'm told...so i get his work roster...and he works....wait for it....24 1/2 a week :wallbash::wallbash: Any how it has now been left to this...your gonna like this.....they have struck off my two boys and left my daughter on it (she leaves school this summer) it is recomended that i pay £39 a week for her...although i can carry on paying £20 if her mother is happy with this (don't forget folks, she also receives the same letter recomending £39 per week) and they will leave it at that. Strange thing is i have carried on paying the £20 a week and the mother has said naff all to me about the missing £19 so it's :feck::censored: the csa as far as i'm concerned and the mother....watch this space folks.....

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Doesn't make a difference if the mother in on income support etc, he'll still have to pay what they deem fit, she just won't recieve it all.


What he earns is taken into account aswell as his living circumstances and any other children he has. Also how often he sees his child is taken into account. My ex told them he had my daughter every weekend to stay with him which isn't true, they can investigate this.


LG, I hoped it might spring mine into action but it didn't. Whatever I think of him he's still her dad and she wants him in her life. She is however learning that he's a waste of space on her own.

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I think the way they see it is the person claiming child support is the carer, which is generally the mother therefore the father has to pay.....


I went through this with them although they live with me for about a third of the time and I pay most of their nursery fees, out of school activities etc.


I get on well with their mum so it helps. If you both agree to a legal joint custody which can be done simply through the family courts the csa cant touch you.....

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