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What Would you Do

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Sorry the title should read "What Would YOU do"


As above, you had a polite word with the owners, advised them etc.........


However, you see no change in the animals condition, be it, not fed, cleaned watered, abused etc,......


What would you do? And why have you chosen that route?



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I wouldn't report them to the RSPCA, because of the feelings I have about that organisation.


The Police inevitably give out the RSPCA's number if you want to report animal abuse.


Are there any specific Dog charities out there that don't involve the RSPCA?


There probably all involved with them one way or another , if someones neglected a dog for example to that degreee there not going to miss it if it dissapears

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I'm no lover of the RSPCA :thumbdown: BUT - if I weren't able to get the animal from the person (I'd offer to buy it before I tried to steal it), I would call in the RSPCA.


A choice of letting the animal's suffering continue or using the RSPCA to intervene ... well, I know what I'd choose.

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Its a very difficult question, Alot of people would say call the RSPCA, but we all know what tw*ts they are and the animal/s would probably be PTS, maybe have another word with the owner and tell them if they dont sort it out you will be forced to report them to the RSPCA and see if the threat works!!!

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I'm no lover of the RSPCA :thumbdown: BUT - if I weren't able to get the animal from the person (I'd offer to buy it before I tried to steal it), I would call in the RSPCA.


A choice of letting the animal's suffering continue or using the RSPCA to intervene ... well, I know what I'd choose.



Good answer I suppose it would be better to have the animal possibly re-homed or even PTS than letting them live with pain and suffering!

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THE BLUE CROSS , i would never have any contact with the rspca no matter what , a very clever qestion mr artic and it make me think why you would ask such a leading qestion on a pro field sports site witch on many occasions has disscused the rspsc and it is quite apparant the members of this site do not want any dealings with or are you trying to make this point to a third party

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Couple of choices and speaking from experience [our families done this before in taking dogs from people thro' neglect] As Kay say's they're not going to miss it?!

Depends if you or your "mates" are hard lads compared to the character that has the animals or you can intimidate the crettin's into handing over the dogs.

If so,

You take them!


You only "threaten" them with the RSPCA/The Law and take them?

Either way, if you love your dogs and this way of life, you don't stand back and hope the lazy b@star@rds change their ways, no chance [they haven't completed the X-box game yet?]

Everyone fancies this type of life but not everyone can give the time, through variousreasons, now i may have been harsh in slating their character, but even if they are i'll or just lost their job, the dogs welfare [or animals welfare] must, must , must come first. We can all scrape a meal or a bed, they can't?!


In none of these scenario's have i touched on actually reporting them through the official channels, and unless you don't have any influence or cannot reason with them, then this would be the LAST resort.

[by the way are the animals any good?]

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THE BLUE CROSS , i would never have any contact with the rspca no matter what , a very clever qestion mr artic and it make me think why you would ask such a leading qestion on a pro field sports site witch on many occasions has disscused the rspsc and it is quite apparant the members of this site do not want any dealings with or are you trying to make this point to a third party


No not at all............ :blink:


Who are the RSPSC?


Just a general question, in the "General" topic department.



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THE BLUE CROSS , i would never have any contact with the rspca no matter what , a very clever qestion mr artic and it make me think why you would ask such a leading qestion on a pro field sports site witch on many occasions has disscused the rspsc and it is quite apparant the members of this site do not want any dealings with or are you trying to make this point to a third party


No not at all............ :blink:


Who are the RSPSC?


Just a general question, in the "General" topic department.



what would be you course of action with your apparent knowledge of the law
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