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Best prank pulled at school?

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We used to have a really short Form Tutor who couldn't reach the Ceiling even on a Chair so we used to get all her Pens etc and Bluetack them to the Ceiling.. :laugh::laugh:




Now that was cruel..... :laugh::laugh::laugh:



Droid, 5'6" :icon_redface:

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Blue Tacked a whole box of drawing pins to the pervy english teachers chair which he then strode into the classroom bellowing the usual bollocks and sat straight down.


He went very red then took off shouting " Fuuuuuuuuuuck " !


That taught the paedo twat !


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Dunno if you'd call this a prank but it was feckin stupid!! :stupid:


Our school was a five story orrible rectangular block. Every year a firm would come in to re-paint all the windows. Using one of them contraptions on pulleys to stand in an get the work done. Fixed along the roof, 3 blokes would move up and down between floors doin their work. The steel cables to run the thing were weighted at the bottom with huge cast iron weights. I remember the workies challenging lads to pick 'em up, whilst setting up their kit, no one did more than a few inches. :showoff:

We waited about 3 weeks till they were working on the floors above the ground floor staff room. Luckily the workers took their breaks whilst we were out in the yard. So, about 8 of us put our backs to the wall, in front of the cable and pushed it away as hard as we could, the cable running through our hands as the weight was pushed higher.

Over our heads and let it go.... I remember thinking what a bad idea this was as the weight went hurteling back toward the staff room.... BOOM!!! =@

It went right through the fecking wall and I remember the screems inside from the female teachers (and some of the male!!) Dust blew out of the hole and more brick fell.

As dusty teachers ran out looking for someone to kill I stood stock still, mortified at what i'd been a part of!!!

Luckily no one was hurt but we got grassed up and after a weeks suspention returned to a six on the arse for good measure! :blush:

I have bumped into some of my old teachers over the years and they still mention it. :icon_redface::toast:

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Guest Champ606

The one that sticks out in my mind is me and a mate stealing a large piece of Potassium from the science lab and flushing it down the toilet.


It blew up, cracked the porcelin on the toilet and blew a hole in the suspended ceiling.


Dyno rod where onsite for 2 days!



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can't remember the name of the chemical now phenol phaylyne rings a bell? any way we were using it in chemistry when our teacher told us to make sure we washed our hands as it's a powerful laxative. oh dear. me and my mate emptied his flask and filled it with the bottle of liquid which we rerplaced with water. we put a large slug in another mates drink at lunch. after lunch we had english during which he shit himself and ran out the room still firing runny shit out his arse seeping through his trousers and down his legs. apparently it took a day for the shits to subside and he was lucky not to end up on a drip! still makes me laugh!


me and some mates cable tied a gobby twat in our year upside down in a star shape to the chainlink fence around the playground.


used hand drill (this would be much easier now with a cordless drill!) and the smallest bit i could find. drilled holes in the down pipes to the urinals in the school loos. when the timed flush went off anyone stood there god sprayed with a jet down there front.


did all sorts at school, bit different now i reckon but you could get away withall sorts put down to youthfull exuberance and not face criminal charges! so if your still at school MAKE THE MOST OF IT, BE A RIGHT LITTLE b*****d!

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Not so much of a prank but it still kills me how thick a few of us was at school :whistling:.


This one still kills me when I think back... It was a morning break or should I say <Playtime> and a few of us would meet up for a Fag in the toilets at the bottom end of the school, this particular day the toilets had just been re-opened after previousley being re-painted! so the usual crew gathered in there having a Fag and decided to scratch their names on the new recently painted walls...


The moral of the story is never scratch your full name with the date as some of us did or you will get caught :whistling:. as expected we was all assembled from the different classes outside the Head masters office and then asked in where the year head and the headmaster stood ranting, the funny thing is everyone was their so I suspect some grassing went on somewhere...


The bit that still leaves me in stitches is the year head had a slight lisp and stood infront of us yelling is head off while we all stood quiet until he Blurted out "And Who Wrote Arsenal Are Wangers :lol: ?" the fact he didn't pronounce it properly and the way he said it started off a few giggles which turned into a Farce with all the lads there virtually pissing themselves crying :laugh:. Just thinking back to that day and them faces while the Headmaster and year head was loseing it still kills me.... the outcome??? 4 of the best for all of us and a letter sent home with a bill for the paint...


There was loads more but this one sticks in my head :)



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Once in school we were dissecting pigs hearts in biology, and instead of discarding it in the waste bin I binned it in a class mates blazer pocket and he realised later on :sick: And of course I got grassed on and ended up doing detention.

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we werent criminal masterminds like the other posts on here


just standard throwing glue sticks on the high celings so it stuck there


just destroyin stuff at school


fired cardboard from elastic bands at teachers

and at the 6th formers pottery projects in art smashed about 4 and they were getting marked in like 2 weeks !!!


hangin a mouthy first year off a coat peg


everyone dumped there bags underneath the lockers we used 2 tie them together


rugby tackle each other into the pile of bags


[bANNED TEXT] people got up and left thier computers on we used to record sounds and play them really loud


things such as so and so is a homo so and so sucks dick


had a rate laff at school

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hangin a mouthy first year off a coat peg



theres a real little gobby twat in yr 8, hes in out tutor so at the end of break when there all going to lesson, we took him out the door, and hung him on a thick branch by his bag and he couldn't reach the floor :clapper:


ran back inside the corridoor and locked the door, he was there all break ( 20 mins ) because everyone else was in tutor :rofl:


was a right laugh, he's never gobby no more tho... :laugh:

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if i remember rightly you need an explosives license to posess black powder, if you have any plans to ever get a SGC or FAC posessing explosives without a license on your record would put a serious crimp on those plans. not really worth risking it imo.


stick to the smoke bomb :p



(edit to shorten quotes)



or, you go and buy some shitty 22 rounds and take the projectile out! :)

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Not really pranks


1. Broke a boys nose in german for kicking my chair continuosly (spell?)


2. Laid under a table so when the fittest teacher in the school went past could see up her skirt


3. Used to lift girls up by their underwear


4. Girls with nice tits, I used to undo their bra



Finished school last year

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When you opened Doors all the way they used to hit the Wall and form a little Triangle space behind them.. We used to push people behind and then wedge the door so they couldn't get out. Then we'd throw Bags and stuff over the top so they got cramped and couldn't move lmao! :laugh::laugh:


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