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Best prank pulled at school?

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Today, we were in a DT lesson and the teacher went out the workshop so we went to the phone and all of the classes around school have phones and were calling random teachers up and shouting at them, I was pissing my self.


let off loads of stink bombs in the coridors.


tied a tie around the handles of two door so nobody could get into the corridor.


My mate pretended to play with an imaginary girl whilst he closed his eyes my mate told the teacher to look his way, and the teacher went nuts.


chucked clay onto the art room wall in my head of year class and she went nuts.


Told a supervisor to f**k off because he didnt agree with hunting and said it was wrong.


Break the disk drives on al the computers in the IT room.


Put Loads of coins in the fans.


And i would still do it again because it was just so funny at the time

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Ow and chucked on of my mates into the boot of the bus, the driver forgot to close it and he drove off, but before he got to the bottom of the school him my mate stopped him.


just below our school there are some houses and one of the english teachers husbands was cutting some of the hedges and he had a trailer full of apples. So when he wasent looking we grabbed a bucket, filled it up and started chucking them at him and he started chasing us and we were pissing our selves

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never did anything to bad, used to cover the toilets in cling film then if any one shit on it they got it smeared over there arse and the piss would go on the floor. attached whistles to the end of the teachers car exhausts so when they left the cars where screaming, flooded the toilets a few times, tied the doors closed to the staffroom while the pupils got a extended dinner break im sure there where other things too.



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we have this food tec (home economics) teacher and she puts her hands down her trousers then touches your food. shes about 60 and her eye pops out and stares at you. anyway we found a pube in a cookery book so we put it in her lunch box on her desk. can't remember who picked it up now. haha

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Encouraged the entire class to hide behind the science tables and when the teacher walked in we all jumped out and screamed. He nearly had a heart attack.


Used to write notes in class and pass them around in a book - book got confiscated by teacher. My mate left assembly, broke into his desk to get it back and found a load of porn mags there :icon_eek:


Locked one of our teachers in the darkroom once ... and left him there for a long time :laugh:

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