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Cleveland Hunt and Charity Show

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Just got back from the show, was a nice sunny day with a bit of a cool breeze. Was a grand turnout with more stalls each year. Managed to meet up with SS, Butler, Millet, Moll, Dougie, Tomo, Snoopdog, Spiderpig, John Hubery, Woodga ......had a good natter to a few. Also noticed a fair few other members from here .....was nice to see and meet folk. A good show and one to put on the calendar for next year.


Wonder how the classes went ? I could feel the tension in the air......Butler, Sean1, Rabbithunter and Stevolad were all pacing up and down with their dogs and little goody bags with boiled liver in.


I'm sure i heard that they were trying to get a flyball club off the ground :D

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Not been long home myself. A brilliant day for chatting with pals from far and near. :D

I fell head over heels in love with Dougie's lovely bitch who raided my pockets for treats, and Snoops pup has turned into a real handsome dog. SS's dog is a stunner :o and such a lovely lad with it. And nearly the whole of Sally's litter was there, all very fine strong pups.

And a huge thank you to Bulters fabulous kids who showed my dogs for me in the child handlers class and won me several prizes on the tombola....they even let me keep one of them :clapper:

Hope everyone enjoyed themselves and made it home safely :good:


Not one bottom on display though, took my camera all that way for nothing :(




You should have said Moll......i'm sure we could have sorted something out :D


Glad you had a good day :thumbs:

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Yeah it was a decent turn out...met up with the local messers aswell as some new one's... :D , went home rossette-less though... :no: :kiss: :kiss: :laugh:


Aye it werent bad day was it, a thew heads kicking about.


Haha I know you are sourly disapointed with your loss mate R H :cry: I saw your face when you walked out that ring lol

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Yeah it was a decent turn out...met up with the local messers aswell as some new one's... :D , went home rossette-less though... :no: :kiss: :kiss: :laugh:

that judge should have deffinetly gone to specsavers,lol

i reckon your blue should of come a close second behind red.we didnt even get a look inlmao :clapper:

Edited by sean1
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What an excellent day out that was, well worth the 7 hours driving, the £80 in fuel, braving the freezing winds, and having a f*****g chicken in my car all the way home for .......... :D


Had an excellent day in good company, what more can you ask for .............. well a few sales would have been nice! LOL

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What an excellent day out that was, well worth the 7 hours driving, the £80 in fuel, braving the freezing winds, and having a f*****g chicken in my car all the way home for .......... :D


Had an excellent day in good company, what more can you ask for .............. well a few sales would have been nice! LOL


Well you know how tight them Yorkshiremen are mate............

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