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things you have done in the past.

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Well, one that comes to mind is putting a plank through a window when I was pissed one time, to steal a stuffed raven (don't ask, it was in this sort of banged up old art school). Somehow I managed to slit me hand. Ended up just washing it in vodka on the way home when I noticed I had blood all over me hand! lol


I can honestly say I have no regrets of doing any drugs. Always had a good, interesting time. Done everything (I'm talking weird, lesser known shit here, too!) apart from skag, coke and speed (would do speed tho and would try coke, bit pricey tho). But anyway, they're a different story!

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last day of high school i got very drunk, asked out a police woman and i woke up in hospitol the next day because i was paraletic. :alcoholic:


holding fireoworks and lighting them. :icon_redface:


smoking a big cigar just before my parents came home. :big_boss:


did a snatch and run in spar. :snack:


spray painting.


got very drunk on vodka on a work night.( i regretted that in the morning) :drinks:


tried to jump a fence but slipped and broke 2 ribs


the list goes on and on some of the things im not putting up here :whistling:

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Lol, that reminds me - Drunk at a house party one night. Everyone was going down to the beach which was out the back way of the house. So I decided I'd go down too. Anyway, hopped over the little wall, which was about 2 foot high. Or so I thought. The f*ckin thing was about a 7 foot drop on the other side!! Hopped up again anyway, "I'm ok, I'm ok!".


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Guest Rod&dog
Well, one that comes to mind is putting a plank through a window when I was pissed one time, to steal a stuffed raven (don't ask, it was in this sort of banged up old art school). Somehow I managed to slit me hand. Ended up just washing it in vodka on the way home when I noticed I had blood all over me hand! lol


I can honestly say I have no regrets of doing any drugs. Always had a good, interesting time. Done everything (I'm talking weird, lesser known shit here, too!) apart from skag, coke and speed (would do speed tho and would try coke, bit pricey tho). But anyway, they're a different story!


Speed? f**k the speed its the most vile drug going.

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Got really drunk ay pals house party and had sex with realy realy fat girl


ran butt nacked up and down a caravan site and when the police got me you know what popd up was really drunk then lol


i was driving my bike with no hand and shutting my eyes and crashd into a taxi lol


took a video of my mate doing a shit when he felloff the pan then sending it throw the school and nearly got put on the sex afenders list


then 2 weeks later sticking my head out a window and a other cars wing morior hit me in the head sore one lol

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Filmed my mate walking through an Elderly peoples Caravan Park naked whilst honking an Air Horn.. Nearly got put on the Sex Offenders list for that! :blink::laugh:


Slid off a Pier Into the River In my Canoe.. Nearly went right under.


Blew up an abandoned House with my mates.


Launched fireworks out of my hand.



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Guest foxyjo.

Now.......are you sitting comfortably?????











Then I shall begin!!!!












Oh bugger it....I haven't the energy!!! :thumbs:


Being too trusting, always have been. :wallbash:

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ill never 4get the time i was out on an ileagel mishion, next thing we know we,rr all on the floor fishing roads the lot. RIGHT UR FU.KED. was the words that was spitting in my face.......so [bANNED TEXT] do i say...SORRY BUTTY.try saying that in welsh to an england man. dont know [bANNED TEXT] he thourght i said but my ribs still feel thr pain.....

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Guest Mass_G3nocide

I had a beretta .22 hand pistol once with a 8 shot mag that ran off c02 i was shooting my bed to see if there was any pellets in it and i couldnt see any so i decided to shoot my hand at point blank range to test how powerfull the air was.Well there was a pellet in there which i ended digging out of my hand with a fork i later found the pellets that had gone through my duvet and into my matress i nearly fainted when i shot my self A stupid mistake i know.

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