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kennel ideas please

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probably been on before im after some advice got my base down and drains in im doing three kennels and runs for my terriers on a slim budget, dont know wether to go for galved panels or blockwork and timber any ideas or pics please my base is 3m x 3m.

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I know you say on a budget but galvanised panels are definitely the best


i had the wooden in the past cant keep them clean and they dont last long when your cleaning them out all the time


build to last i would say but know galvanised panals dont come cheap


ive got brick kennals and galvanised runs but know they will last a lifetime

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galv and tiled walls. They are so easy to clean and the dogs cannot chew either. For sleeping try half barrells with clothes/old furnishngs in . Easy to clean out and warm. I know some don't like the idea of tiled floors but mine are tiled and the dogs do ok on them and dont slip too much once they get used. Its very hygenic too and easy to clean. No corners for any detritus to build up in..

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Mine are galv and tiled, I was unsure about the tiles at first but once the dogs get used to them there fine and an absolute doddle to keep clean quick swill with the hose pipe once a day and a swill with jeyes twice a week and there immaculate. I have wooden cabins double skinned and insulated with rockwool for them to kip in :thumbs:

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cheers lads like the look of them kennells nightshadow,do they dry out easily mate has some simular but moans about them always being damp.

The floors have a 4" to 1"fall on them from front to back ,two have 18mm rubber flooring in and one has floor tiles both are very easy to keep clean, you cant see but in the back ,there or built in kennals ,also made from blocks,never get damp,as it has a 3ft overhang ,any rain that does get in runs right out,built them 4 year ago still as good today have to say £1,500 was alot but worth it in the long run ATB N/S

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