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iv got a pup here shes bout 6 months old but i think she has a problem hearing or i hink she is death wats the best thing too do when im taking her out over the feilds n getin her too cum bk too me?

any answers will be helpful

its deaf wave a white sheet it will see it if not its probley blind as well :clapper:

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iv got a pup here shes bout 6 months old but i think she has a problem hearing or i hink she is death wats the best thing too do when im taking her out over the feilds n getin her too cum bk too me?

any answers will be helpful

its deaf wave a white sheet it will see it if not its probley blind as well :clapper:


it wont call back if it DEATH check your spelling mate!!!get her tested!!! :victory:

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If the dog is deaf, with patience and lots of training there is no reason you can't teach it all you could a normal dog. I would suggest googling " Training Deaf dogs", should bring up something that will help you.


The secret to it is the relationship and bond that you have with the dog, it needs to learn to be looking at you for direction all the time. A friend of mine has trained a deaf border collie up to Crufts level in agility, being a collie helps though as generally the breed has always got 1 eye on you anyway! :blink:


Good luck.

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Just a quick tip which i use with all my dogs when puppies, as she gets slightly ahead of you when out walking, try and hide yourself completely from her, sounds stupid i know, but young dogs remember times of panic, when she turns to look for you she will become scared and set off instantly to try and find you, once she's found you make sure you give her lots of praise and treats. Practicing this often will ensure she never leaves it too long before she turns her head to see where you are.


None of my dogs when walking leave it longer than a couple of minutes before they turn to look for me. . . . . . .


Ok thats a lie, my JRT leaves it all of 30 seconds before he fecks off after anything with fur or feathers!! Think thats a terrier thing though! :rolleyes:


Try it and see how she responds.

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