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IMHO a lot are shot because of the good price some gamedealers will pay for them.A freind who visited harrods said that the saddle of hare was fetching £15.The shoot near me had an hare day and shot 26 in a very under populated area and one of the guns nearly broke his neck to tell me of this feat i wonder why.

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Guest rodsmith

we have alot of hare shoots round here,ONLY because the illegal coursers cause havoc on the partridge ground,alot of the time driving the fields AND through the gamecovers.the bags range from 100-400+ on each day.the last day we shot 124,many more got away!! theres a couple of lads on this site that come for the day and enjoyed the mass slaughter.

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Guest gaz100604
  rodsmith said:
we have alot of hare shoots round here,ONLY because the illegal coursers cause havoc on the partridge ground,alot of the time driving the fields AND through the gamecovers.the bags range from 100-400+ on each day.the last day we shot 124,many more got away!! theres a couple of lads on this site that come for the day and enjoyed the mass slaughter.



tramps :thumbdown::thumbdown:

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Guest rodsmith
  gaz100604 said:
  rodsmith said:
we have alot of hare shoots round here,ONLY because the illegal coursers cause havoc on the partridge ground,alot of the time driving the fields AND through the gamecovers.the bags range from 100-400+ on each day.the last day we shot 124,many more got away!! theres a couple of lads on this site that come for the day and enjoyed the mass slaughter.



tramps :thumbdown::thumbdown:



:cray::rofl: oh well.got 100's of hares round here,they need controling as does everything else! :hunter:

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you can send a dog in to retreave a animal if its bean shot badly. so what if you shoot it and your not sure if you have hit it or 'not' so you send your dog in :angel:

So the moral of the story is when your after hares take a gun and say your lurcher is a retreaver and fire shots of every now and then so people dont suspect anything.


Or be like everyone in my area and take a lurcher and say fu*k it

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  hiho said:
you can send a dog in to retreave a animal if its bean shot badly. so what if you shoot it and your not sure if you have hit it or 'not' so you send your dog in :angel:

So the moral of the story is when your after hares take a gun and say your lurcher is a retreaver and fire shots of every now and then so people dont suspect anything.


Or be like everyone in my area and take a lurcher and say fu*k it


Proper "hardcore".


That has got to do with shooting hare's how?.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hares should be respected like any other game/quary. IMO it is better to shoot them than sending a dog after them to chaise it and pump adrenalin through its body can you imagin the fear that it would be going through?, even if it gets away it will prob die of shock or a heart atack or somthing. Much better to be a one shot kill.. no pain, the quary is relaxed and would not even hear the bang. this is just my opinion.

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  mubz2cool said:
hares should be respected like any other game/quary. IMO it is better to shoot them than sending a dog after them to chaise it and pump adrenalin through its body can you imagin the fear that it would be going through?, even if it gets away it will prob die of shock or a heart atack or somthing. Much better to be a one shot kill.. no pain, the quary is relaxed and would not even hear the bang. this is just my opinion.


Do you actually live in the real world? Shooting sure as hell dont garuantee a clean kill, anybody that shoots can confirm that. Theres always occasions when shots go tits up, dodgy bullet/pellet, poor pattern etc etc. Also to make the statement that the coursed hare must be terrified and probably die of stress after shows how little you really know! The hare is a natural quarry species, natural prey. It has evolved (at this point we will have to all beleive the theory of evolution unless you beleive 'god' made all the creatures of the earth in the form they are now! lol) to evaid predators by use of its natural athletic ability, speed, stamina and agility, not to mention knowledge of IT'S home terrain intimately. Now, how good a survivor would it be if everytime a predator gave it some agro it died from stress??? Its a scientifically proven fact prey go back to doing what ever it was they were doing before beeing hunted once it has escaped the predator, predators are part and parcel of a hare's (and all other prey for that matter) life. The arctic hares in north america are very used to beeing coursed in the wild............... Arctic wolves run the hare in a very similar way to the saluki.


However, over predation can and will cause stress which can cause a hare propulation to 'die off'. That is why a good coursing man (/hunter in general) will not only hunt his land but manage it, not over hunt it etc.


Sorry if i have been a bit blunt but what you said really got my blood up. It just struck me as the exact thing that a average 'joe public' would come out with.

Edited by Born Hunter
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When i was a keeper near lincoln we used to have two hare shoots at the end of feb. Each day you could expect around 350.


The predators are all controlled except birds of prey so whats going to keep the population in check apart from diesase. The other reason is the illegal hare coursing we used to suffer. If they were confronted you could expect to find your dogs poisoned the next day. Proper cowards in my opinion. I used to much prefer watching and taking part in coursing rather than shooting hares but they needed to be controlled.

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  mubz2cool said:
hares should be respected like any other game/quary. IMO it is better to shoot them than sending a dog after them to chaise it and pump adrenalin through its body can you imagin the fear that it would be going through?, even if it gets away it will prob die of shock or a heart atack or somthing. Much better to be a one shot kill.. no pain, the quary is relaxed and would not even hear the bang. this is just my opinion.

How the f**k have you managed to make 145 posts on these forums?????

Bad enough the anti's spewing out lies about the hunting of quarry with dogs but for someone to come on here as a fieldsports person and add to the lies from within is terrible.

You should educate yourself a bit about fieldsports before commenting. Your ignorance is amazing.

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  swamp rat said:
spot on neil it sounds like this looser thinks a hare will just drop down dead once it gets away from a dog what a twat :doh:


He's not saying that at all?

What i think he was meaning that it would be far more humain to shoot a hare stress free and instantly,

Than the meat getting bruised and stressed by a course ;).


I dont get what everyone is so timid that anti's could be somehow "stalking us".

Im against some fieldsport's does that make me an anti??

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[bANNED TEXT] hares are coursed by a dog their are onley 2 out comes it either lives or dies [bANNED TEXT] they are shot their is a third outcome it crawls away usualy dieing from sepsis due to shotgun pellets as my spaniels have pegged a lot in this condition usualy half their natrual weight an upsetting site for any body who as respect for this truly amazing animal.atb

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  lewismac1 said:
Im against some fieldsport's does that make me an anti??


Look up the terms 'pro' and 'anti.' I think you'll find that if you are against something, you don't tend to fall into the 'pro' category...


If you are against (your own words) hare coursing, you are anti coursing. If you were against shooting, you would be anti shooting.


Simple really.

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