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Ok, I suppose it's where to start with this post?


First, i'd like to say a big thanks to all who posted on the subject and the pm's that came in. Also a massive thanks to SS and TimmyK for the support over the past few weeks.


So I better start from the promising out look shared by my vet and I.

As I said earlier, it was a gamble from the burst but it started to look good. Ox was visiting the vet twice weekly and all seemed well, the vet warned me that he was a long way from out of the thick of it but there was a good chance he would keep the eye. Next visit two weeks...

Then all turned sour, his eye started going red, evil red. I was taking the outlook that things usually look worse before they look better and maybe the extra blood flow to his eye was all part of the repair process but the redness continued darker and his eye started to bulge and disfigure. He had to go back.

Got to the vet and to him it was obvious, the eye had to be removed.

No time to waste, Ox was taken right in. The process is to remove the eye, pack the socket and stich shut, then after a few days (depending on how the op and heeling was going, back in packing removed and cosmetically stiched shut, simple!!!

The following pic is a bit graphic but its him with the eye removed, packed and just home. As the vet put it, Ox is 'a bleeder', not in the nasty way, as he was a model patient, just that he bled like feck after the op and 3 times they changed the packing before he was allowed home.

So, home he is with the packing out in three days, his head is massivley swolen and due to blood loss it was advised not to clean to much of the face just yet....


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Hi Bosun11


Hope Ox is making a good, steady, recovery from the op. Not good news having to lose the eye... but...


I was going to post prior to reading this just now but didnt' get round to it.


The lad that's got the father to my pup Reeba (pup? she's nearly 2!!!) has a bitch that is half sister to mine, she had to have an eye removed (thorn in the eye). She was about 18 month when it happened.


He works her, regardless of only having one eye. He's to be a bit more selective over what runs she has though, for obvious reasons, as she's better on whichever side she has her sight. No good pointing her to a rabbit on her left hand side when she hasn't got that eye. Obvious stuff! She can't put in as much as she could with both eyes, but she puts her heart and soul into everything she's tried against. He works her, and will continue to do so until the end of her days.


It' sjust teh same I suppose as if you only had one yee. Cover one eye, that's your vision, that's your dogs vision now. Wont' stop you doing anything, just means you've to turn your head a lot more. Same for Ox.


I know it's probably not much of a consolation to you... it's a bad thing to happen...

But I just wanted to tell you of a positive outcome of a dog still working regardless of it only having one eye. Hopefully it will give you some faith in him being able to carry on,


All the best to you and Ox,


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Thanks for that Shell, just the type of reply I've been after. :clapper:


Not that I've ever thought Ox would never work again, he will.

Though just as you said, he'll have his limitations but it's my job to ensure he gains confidence in his own ability and his graft will suit his capabilitys.


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No probs Bosun...


As our mate said, you've just got to keep at them, work them and work them, understand their limitations, not get narked with them.


Reading your posts on Ox, I never for one minute thought it would stop you working him, I got the impression from your posts it wasn't going to get in your way, you're just after some support in him being able to adjust - if you see what I mean. He will, might just take a bit of time... for both of you. As long as you get plenty of sport out of him, and he tries his hardest, does it bloody matter!!! He's not a machine... he's your mate!


It's a bit of a different game, but Malc used to have a one eyed terrier that lost it grafting. It never stopped that buga!!!


All the best,

shell and malc

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