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my mates pup gets travel sickness every time it gets in the motor weither it travels 20 yds or 20 mile any ideas on what to give it

if u can try leaving the pup in the car with another dog so it use to the car. being with a dog which is use to cars it soon learn that there nothing to fear or hold em on ya lap so they feel secure and it wont be long before car rides means fun

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my mates pup gets travel sickness every time it gets in the motor weither it travels 20 yds or 20 mile any ideas on what to give it


My pup doesn't travel very well, soaks EVERYTHING in dribble, including his own coat, so whenever i take him out in car he gets out looking like a drown rat (bot very nice to look at!!)

Yesterday he threw up, the smell was unbearable and i nearly puked aswell :icon_eek: had to throw out the sheet and towel he was on, no way was i gonna wash it!


I started reading about it on the net, type in puppy travel sickness and have a read, lots of people recommend different things, for now i am going to try ginger biscuits, given 20 mins before car journey, if it doesn't work i will have to try something else.

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Try putting the dog in the car when it's parked up, maybe giving it a treat to get it used to associating the car with "good"

When this has happened a few times, start the car and repeat the processs, get the dog used to being in the car when it's running but not moving first then try a few short trips around the block, gradually building up the distance.

HTH. Cheers, D.

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my mates pup gets travel sickness every time it gets in the motor weither it travels 20 yds or 20 mile any ideas on what to give it
try feeding the pup in the car parked out side worked for me each time i fed it i fed in the car in the end it jump in to be fed noprobs
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Guest little lurcher

i was given this tip by an old time dog man and desperate for someone to try it !!!


put a huge amount of newpaper layers in the bottom of the car , then a sheet of old rubber or rubber cat mats? and raise the dog up , this is supposed to stop and absorb the motion of the car which in turns causes the sickness?


also as a quick fix try sealegs for kiddies?



let me know how you get on as id like to no if it works

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My alsation/grey used to chuck up going mile downroad, tried pills from pet shop, ginger biscuits & lot of other stuff. Then blacked out back window-found out - he's only sick if he's looking out of boot.

Now we dont feed them before a journey & also where we can leave really early while its still dark & he's still tired. Put there dog beds in boot & he snores most of journey. We can actually get to Scotland now without him puking

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My lurcher does not like the car much. He is old now and puts up with it. I only take him in the car if necessary like if we are going to the beach for a walk or to the vet. He isn't sick now anymore, though he can dribble if you are out for more than 30 minutes.


But as a pup, he used to salivate, defaecate and throw up.


I would check with your vet first, but I used to give him half a stugeron before we would go out in the car. It worked and I used to drive him everyday when I went to get the kids to and from their school. He soon got used to the car travel though the stugeron can make them dopey.


TBH, if it is the motion that makes him spew, then he needs something to make him stop feeling so nauseated. If it is fear, then I would suggest all the other methods, like getting him used to seeing the car as a nice place to be.


Good luck!

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my mates pup gets travel sickness every time it gets in the motor weither it travels 20 yds or 20 mile any ideas on what to give it


Motion sickness i think,Put him in the boot but make sure its ventilated

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