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thieving scum

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hi been down to my mates place this morning and found that two lurchers were stolen last night one is a 9 month old saluki x greyhound dog he is about 22" tts with a white blaze on his chest the other is a black and tan saluki x greyhound bitch 2 and half year old very well bred if anyone hears of there whereabouts please let me know as these scum need to be taught a valuable lesson cheers john

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Not more bl**dy thefts. Please register them on Doglost- I know its a pain but I can get hold of more people quicker on main site than I can by putting onto private forum that is only seen by 'staff' as such.

Where abouts in West Yorks as well.i will notify as many peeps as I can but this is getting silly. Bout time these theiving sh*ts got there come uppance

Good luck in finding them but let me know the area youre in & register them- with photos if you got any

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  ulverston moocher said:
Hope you get the dogs back mate and I hope you give the b*****ds what they deserve and some more after that and I am glad to see that you didnt start with dirty theiving p***y or gypsy scum and all the outher bullshit your top man for that mate and once again good luck.
good luck mate hope you get them back soon.
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:angry: find them mate take them down a lane then sort it.tell you what mate go to as many game fairs this year as you can i bet ya dogs are there.i remember last year at selby game fare a fight broke out because a guys dog was stolen and he bumped into his dog there Edited by ian1906
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