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Unusual quarry

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Been having a few problems at work lately with rats, they have moved in under the aviaries and I've taken a few with my air rifle and terrier but they have eaten through the wooden floor recently and made a midnight snack of my quail :no: Anyway the final straw came when they ate my Ring Necked Parakeet eggs :realmad: So today I decided to take the dog and try and eradicate the couple left. We flushed one form under the aviary but it disapeared down a broken drain. There is a rubbish pile near the aviaries full of rubble, sleepers and huge builders sacks, the dog started marking and tearing at the bags so I thought my luck was in, I held her by the collar and lifted the sack to reveal.......... a pair of toads :icon_redface: Although in my defence the dog wanted to work them :D :whistle:


Wish I had a camera but its broken after getting grit inside it after the last ratting trip and my wife has banned me from taking it out again :whistle: (after I've paid to get it fixed) ;)


Just wondered if anyone has come across anything unusual when out working ther dogs :good:

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