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put a similar thread up last year, and got a shit response, but never mind.. im shootin wed , thurs at mine , friday shootin, and sat beating for a keepers day.


il post a update as the days go by... who else is out for there long awaited turn on the peg???

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  alimac said:
put a similar thread up last year, and got a shit response, but never mind.. im shootin wed , thurs at mine , friday shootin, and sat beating for a keepers day.


il post a update as the days go by... who else is out for there long awaited turn on the peg???

Got a beaters day on friday and one on saturday as well. Not bothered if a shoot much is more the bevvy afterwards :drinks:.

Got a wee day booked for tomorrow too, a walked up day with some ducks as well. Should be a good week? :clapper:

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i pick up on a large shoot 400+ bird days

last year on keepers day we shot over 300 birds

i shot 33 pheasant and 3 partridge.

been looking forward to this years shoot all season,but guess what iv'e broke my leg and wont be able to go

how shit is that


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im out on saturday looking forward to it i do a lot of work on our estate and dident get last year as my brother passed away so looking forward to this one we go to the pigeons after the shoot i like that and i hope to take the keepers job on when he gos so il let you know how we get on

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