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this is using an aa s410


i am particually fond of roost shooting but am just wondering if roost decoys work any good? also if i was to put say 3 roost decoys high in the trees and a pattern of say 10-12 decoys on open ground would this work well do you think? any tips are welcome some times although good to be outside coming away with 2 pigeons is heart breaking when all you see is pigeons in flight all day.


time to invest in decoys??


any help welcome

cheers guys


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yes it would, there called lofters, usualy put them in a beech or oak (bare and big) which is amongst a fir wood, pigeons will land in this type of tree before dropping into the warmer trees to roost.... but yes buy a lofting pole and decoys and get going

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works ok just loft the full body decoys up into the tree and wait, if you don't want to buy a lofting pole then throw a stone attached to fishing line as high in the tree as possibel and then make loops using figure 8 knots in about 2 foot spaces then tye the 2 ends together and just attach the decoys to the fishing line and lift them up.


I leave the line in the trees all year round just tie it to a nail in the trunk otherwise it will blow up into the tree, it is faster than lofter poles after you have set it up.


Cheers HTS

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