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Badgers & Lambs

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tell him to make a complaint to the council (if a real problem they should and must get rid of them) or if you enjoy taking big risks, go and sort em yourself ;)


Very bad advice


Councils are under no legal obligation to kill badgers, and like everyone else, is legally unable to touch them or their setts.



I have known badgers that have killed lambs, especially when there is population pressure.


The sooner something is done about the disease ridden vermin, the better. Alas, I fear the cuddly bunny brigade will hold sway for sometime yet......

There are council controllers out there somewhere mate. They are trained and have permits to controll them. We are under applying to be allowed to shoot them. Hopefully it will go through, but even then it will have to be classed as a problem

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There are council controllers out there somewhere mate. They are trained and have permits to controll them. We are under applying to be allowed to shoot them. Hopefully it will go through, but even then it will have to be classed as a problem


There are not.


I was a crown employee, and have killed badgers on behalf of the crown, using crown immunity from prosecution. But that was part of a scientific trial which has now ended.


No local authority has the power to kill badgers, nor do they have any obligation to kill them. Only Natural England can issue licenses to 'gate' badger setts in exceptional circumstances - they have never issued licenses to kill badgers.

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There are council controllers out there somewhere mate. They are trained and have permits to controll them. We are under applying to be allowed to shoot them. Hopefully it will go through, but even then it will have to be classed as a problem


There are not.


I was a crown employee, and have killed badgers on behalf of the crown, using crown immunity from prosecution. But that was part of a scientific trial which has now ended.


No local authority has the power to kill badgers, nor do they have any obligation to kill them. Only Natural England can issue licenses to 'gate' badger setts in exceptional circumstances - they have never issued licenses to kill badgers.

Perhaps they are higher authority then :s All i know is someone on a farm in my area, had very bad badger trouble, and was causing alot of TB. So he threatened saying unless they did it he would. But alot of stuff goes on round here with them pigs, alot of TB on my farm ;)

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Perhaps they are higher authority then

No. Read this slowly: Only Natural England can issue licenses, for gating, not killing. It is nothing to do with Local Authorities/Councils.


:s All i know is someone on a farm in my area, had very bad badger trouble, and was causing alot of TB. So he threatened saying unless they did it he would. But alot of stuff goes on round here with them pigs, alot of TB on my farm ;)


I know all about the problems in that area. I've trapped and killed badgers where you live. What I can guarentee you is that no farmer in all the time Badgers have been protected, has ever, or will ever be allowed to kill badgers. There are too many voters out there who still think badgers are cute harmless vegetarians (none of which is true).

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mat you are correct in most of the things you have put but natural england do issue badger licences there are 15 in the uk at the moment and i have one of them they are very hard to get and i only got mine partlly becauce iam a JP and considered a responsable person and partly by a cock up by natural england iv e just applied to vary mine to shoot them at night time will tell whether they grant it, top

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mat you are correct in most of the things you have put but natural england do issue badger licences there are 15 in the uk at the moment and i have one of them they are very hard to get and i only got mine partlly becauce iam a JP and considered a responsable person and partly by a cock up by natural england iv e just applied to vary mine to shoot them at night time will tell whether they grant it, top

Must be someone down here with rights like you then fella. What they like for sport then... I never killed one of em :whistling:

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mat you are correct in most of the things you have put but natural england do issue badger licences there are 15 in the uk at the moment and i have one of them they are very hard to get and i only got mine partlly becauce iam a JP and considered a responsable person and partly by a cock up by natural england iv e just applied to vary mine to shoot them at night time will tell whether they grant it, top


That is interesting Topper. Are you sure they are all licences to kill? I've had a couple for gating on ancient monuments. Keep us posted.



My grampy told me that when he was younger, he used to go down into the fresh cut silage fields, with his old collie. The collie would go down and pick the badgers up one by one, and he used to give em a good old wollup with a club. I wish I was alive back then. He used to be a right old poacher ;)


:hmm: I dont know about your grampy being a right old poacher, but he certainly was a comedian. Not related to that chap that lives on roadkill are you? :whistling:

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my licence says i can TRAP AND HUMANLY DISPATCH, SNARE THEM , DIG THEM IN SMALL SETS [ SMALL IS NO MORE THAN 8 ENTRY POINTS THATS HOLES TO ME AND YOU ] AND I CAN USE GAS in the future i should be able to shoot them on the lamp, iam also supposed to measure wiegh and report all the ones i kill with the location etc most of the ones i get for tb testing are trapped or dug to but those defra bods are funny they tell you they want them alive to test them and release them but they dont want to touch a live one in case it bites

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badgers are a prime carnivore that will supplement its diet on any easy meat source it finds they play havoc with the rabbit snares often pulling all the skin back over the rabbits head and eating the flesh just the same as they do with young lambs iv seen it loads of times before and no doubt will see it again this spring :angry: we know of a shooter who lamps them with a rifle from the borders way down into northern england and hands the carcases over to the ministry for testing he is the only person i know who can legally cull them untill the law changes we are forced to leave the smelly feckers to kill young lambs destroy fences and spread their diseases but they are nice to look at through a scope :D

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What is gating? as me and a mate were out raking about recently and we found a bit of rough land where they had cut down all the trees and put marker posts up around all the holes made out of bamboo canes. We went over for a nosy and at each marked hole they had dug little green metal trap doors into the ground, the holes looked more like a rabbit warren than a badger sett, there was rabbit shit all around them, allthough we did find a couple of latrines nearby. Is this what gating means and how do you get permission to do it? We thought it was some kind of rabbit contro and we were thinking it looked pretty shite as the rabbits would just dig around the trap doors :laugh: l so you learn something new everyday :icon_redface:

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SJM that sound s like badger gates the idea is they let them out but dont let them back in but some clown forgot badgers dig so they just dig around them , personally i think there a waste of time but if you apply to get rid of some badgers thats the first thing they come up with the easiest way to move badgers is to pour a load of cresote or waste oil/ diesel down the set but this is highly illegal

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