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Hi all :welcomeani:


Here is a good way to save loads of money on them crap fox calling boxs. :big_boss:

I came across a mp3 fox call the other night that my mate had so i saved to my pc, the good thing is once you save it to your pc you can load it to your mobil phone, and my god it works that well.


The only prob is i can't upload it to this page because the page has a max upload size of 500k, so if you like a copy please email me on kirbdog1@hotmail.com and please let me no how you get on with it.



hi can i have a copy as i keep loosing calls in the field.i have tride a recording on my phone but it wasnt that goodmy email is. michellelloyd1@hotmail.co.uk i will let you know [bANNED TEXT] its like.

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Just ask how this works so here goes.


right down load the mp3 to your mobil, when its down loaded save in a file so you can find it quick.

right! when you play it, play in loud speaker use the volume control on your mobil, you don't need that loud.


then all you need to do is pause or play all night long.

Edited by DIGGIT
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Sounds a top idea could you send it to me please at krisfarrar@hotmail.co.uk cheers pal ;)


on its way :clapper: lol no ones going to be in tonight there all going to be out over the feilds losing there mobiles and stuff :wacko: :rofl:

nutters lol


If some of you don't it and have asked for it please email me, no pm's takes for ever thanks.

Edited by DIGGIT
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