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was out last night with my mates harebasher and tmtc,we went out round the lanes ,saw a few beasties but on the whole quiet,anyhow we went into an apparently empty field next to an ancient wood,old hb said he could cunjour up some deer in an old romany shaman way,of cause i just took theopiss,so he told us to stay by the hedge and stay still whilst he did his jiggery pokery in the field.i thought he was just having a laugh and would just come back and say there was none about! anyhow he gets out in the field and i could here him chanting in romany an doing his mystical jig ,a bit of a cross between the Maori war dance and an Irish jig,this went on for about 10 minutes.i was just about to return to the warmth of the landy when i saw movement silhouetted on the skyline on the brow of the hill,it was a deer! coincidence? maybe theres hundreds of deer in these woods,in fact the Normans designated this wood as a chase in 1253 by royal decree. anyhow as the dance and chant went on this deer just gingerly made its way to hb! i tells ya it went right up to him like it was tame!

any how he got his dog lead out his pocket put it on the WILD deer and led it to us!!!!! couldn't believe it!!!!!! see told you itd work! he said he picked it up and just put it in the back of the landy.

so anyhow we took it back to my cottage and put it in the back garden where it is still now!! so what do i do with it? eat it or turn it loose or keep it as a pet????????



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