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GOOD days deer stalking with pegandgun

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just arrived home after a excelent day's stalking with pegandgun .The day was arranged after i sent a pm ,i arrived at our meeting point just after 5 am ,we transferd all my gear into pegandgun's 4*4 then of we went, we set of stalking through woodland at about 5-30 phil (pegandgun) told me we were working our way up to some set aside where he had seen some good buck's, after about 45 mins we arrived at the area ,we must have been there less than 5 mins when phil spoted a nice buck about 3 to 4 hundred yard's away and not much further back was another good buck .The stalk was now on , we stalked out and around to a spiney by now my heart was racing not knowing what to expect ,we made our way around the spiney and there they were about 120 yard's away, now i hadnt shot any bucks with the 243 and hadnt shot off sticks before so i wasnt confident ,phil got us within 70 yards and set the sticks inplace ,by now my heart was on overdrive as i stood up the buck spoted me and i just froze not daring to move ,phil said just move nice and slow ,i got on the sticks ,the deer still looking straight at us then the dreaded buck fever kicked in phil must have senced this and told me take it steady calm down ,then i let of the shot down he went , seeing that i was over the moon not expecting what happend next the other buck just stood looking at it's fallen compadre ,phil said load up and take him ,i loaded up got on the sticks and i just couldnt keep steady ,any how a squezed off the trigger and flufed it ,totaly missed ,the deer didnt even know it had been shot at so i loaded up again and just could not keep steady ,again phil said calm down take it easy what seemed like ages i let off the trigger and down he went ,now words just can not explain how i felt you have to experience it to know , we went over to where they were and they fell about ten foot from each other we went back to get the 4*4 and it was 20 past 7 so in my eyes to shoot two bucks in less than two hours phil deservs full respect we got the deer took photo's and off we went back to phils for some scran and get our heads down for a while before we went out again ,later that day i was put in a high seat on some good looking ground ,nothing was shot but that made no difference to me ,for me that morning takeing not 1 but 2 bucks on my first time stalking them was a1 and i will not forget that for some time thanks to pegandgun ,ANY ONE WANTING TO GO STALKING GIVE PEGANDGUN A BELL you will not regret it you feel welcome in his home .get good scran ,but most of all you get your chance at a shot i will be going back ,thanks again p&g for an excelent day :good::D

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It was a pleasure having you Foxshot.You kept yourself together in a very awkward situation while shooting off sticks which is very difficult .Your stalking and field craft where both spot on and the bag at the end of the day showed it....well done ;)

PS,you forgot to mention the best part of the morning..........when we found the chiffchaffs nest :D:D

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Guest EWOK

Nice shooting, I'm from the USA and thought you guys couldn't own guns anymore, much less hunt deer. Also do you have a season there and is that a paid hunt? EWOK

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Nice shooting, I'm from the USA and thought you guys couldn't own guns anymore, much less hunt deer. Also do you have a season there and is that a paid hunt? EWOK

Its only hunting with hounds and lurchers that has been restricted,not hunting with guns.All deer except muntjac and cwd have seasons over hear.Basically you can shoot Doe`s and hinds(females) in the winter and bucks and stags(males) in the summer.

Over hear deer stalking is very hard to come by so most hunts(stalks as we call them) are paid for :good:

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well EWOK i have a couple of stalking areas for roe ,but one is quite a long way from where i live and my local area has very few deer ive had a couple of does after about a dozen times out ,so for me it was worth what it cost to go on a payed stalking day as you can see from the photo ,

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Guest EWOK

Looking at the photo seems the buck's antlers are still in velvet, we hunt during the fall rut here and the antlers are full grown. Why do you hunt the bucks in the summer and does in winter??? I belong to a club that leases land not far from my home and we run deer with dogs and stand hunt also. The deer here in North Carolina are not the monster bucks you see on TV, to get them you must go on payed hunt in other states or Canada, I can not afford this so I'll just make due with the local deer. Shooting the big bucks at places were they raise them seems alot like shooting farmed animals to me. Hope to go out west someday and hunt the big open country. They still hunt fox with dogs here but lately alot of people are selling out because of hard to find land, there is a big following for penned hunts were dogs are score for speed and drive, this has turned into a money game for most of them and I don't like it, plus housing and feeding 40-60 hounds doesn't seem like fun either.

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Looking at the photo seems the buck's antlers are still in velvet, we hunt during the fall rut here and the antlers are full grown. Why do you hunt the bucks in the summer and does in winter??? I belong to a club that leases land not far from my home and we run deer with dogs and stand hunt also. The deer here in North Carolina are not the monster bucks you see on TV, to get them you must go on payed hunt in other states or Canada, I can not afford this so I'll just make due with the local deer. Shooting the big bucks at places were they raise them seems alot like shooting farmed animals to me. Hope to go out west someday and hunt the big open country. They still hunt fox with dogs here but lately alot of people are selling out because of hard to find land, there is a big following for penned hunts were dogs are score for speed and drive, this has turned into a money game for most of them and I don't like it, plus housing and feeding 40-60 hounds doesn't seem like fun either.

yes the bucks are in velvet but some are already clean the rut starts about july and goes into august i think , and the reason that we hunt does in winter is that this time of year the does are in young ,some may already have had them ,and the kids are dependent on the does this time of year ,like you i can not afford to shoot big bucks (fallow) or stag(red) so i settle for roe which i beleive are more challenging to stalk and shoot , personaly i would love to hunt in your country no matter how big the bucks are but the expence prevents this ,and good deer stalking in this country is hard to get that is why you need to pay ,as pegandgun said hunting is banned with dogs only , this hasnt effected me because all my fox shooting is done with the rifle ,most efective on the lamp

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