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Mk3 or Mk3 M collar??

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I wish to purchase two more locator collars for my MK3. But they have now got the new MK3 m collars out too. they look pretty big in the pictures but the thier water proof etc.


what do you find better Mk3 orignal collar or the Mk3 M if any of you have used them



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hiya,i have two of the new mk3m collars,a lot smaller than the mk3 original,fit my 2 young gills no problem,not a lot bigger than the mk1 collars,

and up to now water proof,no probs with them,though be carefull when switching on and off,keep the finder well away,as they do turn back on,well mine do anyway,oki doki,ian

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Guest gaz100604

i have both and the older collar has gotton a bit rusty on the inside where the batteries connect to the reciver...and had to give it a good clean...think moisture gotton into it which i dont have that problem with the newer model..but the newer one is deffo a bit bigger but is fine on my hobs but mabey if its going on small jills then mabey the older one would be better as there deffo smaller and lighter...

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