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air arms s200

Guest air gunner

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by the sounds of it there isent a s200 owner here who has problems but why is the s400 "SUPPOSEDLY" better than the s200?

It is the model up, simply designed with a slight difference in budget, thus allowing them to provide higher shot capacity and a few other tweaks.

alot of people's choice is defined by their budget.

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Ok the s200 is a good entry level rifle. but will it lastt? the next rifle i buy i want to be able to keep for ever it needs to be able to progress with me. in 2 years time i dont want to turn around and say i want a s400 because it has something else the s200 doesent. is the s200 that gun or is the s400

Nothing lasts for life but if you want something low maintenance and with decent longevity buy a springer.


S200's are great rifles, with great engineering, but the costs are kept down with plastic bolts and plastic triggers. Changing these ups the cost of the rifle. I'm not saying don't get a PCP but if you want something to hand down to your kids get a decent springer.

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S200's are great rifles, with great engineering, but the costs are kept down with plastic bolts and plastic triggers. Changing these ups the cost of the rifle. I'm not saying don't get a PCP but if you want something to hand down to your kids get a decent springer.


i have both a pcp and a springer, and i wouldnt recommend learning to shoot with a pcp, it just doesnt have the feel or the zest to interest young/new shooters.

i use the pcp simply because it is damn near silent, and seriously light.

but as CJ says, i dont think it will outlive the good old springer just yet.

i swing both ways in this respect, i love the pcp, yet i wouldnt ever do away with my springer.

choices choices...............

try them, its the only way to decide.........

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i have a supersport is this considered a decent springer?

Depends. What sort of condition is it in and what power is it putting out?


i have both a pcp and a springer, and i wouldnt recommend learning to shoot with a pcp, it just doesnt have the feel or the zest to interest young/new shooters.

i use the pcp simply because it is damn near silent, and seriously light.

but as CJ says, i dont think it will outlive the good old springer just yet.

i swing both ways in this respect, i love the pcp, yet i wouldnt ever do away with my springer.

choices choices...............

try them, its the only way to decide.........

Same with me. Learning to shoot with a springer will make you a better marksman as you have to contend with recoil. Depending on the rifle you may have to make your one shot count so you pay more attention to fieldcraft. The great thing is that you never ever have to refill a springer, it'll never leak, and you'll never have to carry a pump or a diving bottle.


The PCP on the other hand has saved my bacon on numerous occasions. Having multishot capability makes them serious pest control tools in the right hands. No recoil is clearly a bonus when you need to make an immediate dent in the pest numbers.


Just say, for example, society collapsed tonight... You need to harvest game for the table. Which rifle is going to be the best one to own in the long run?

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by the sounds of it there isent a s200 owner here who has problems but why is the s400 "SUPPOSEDLY" better than the s200?



the aas400 has a regulater fitted

but the s200 hasnt

with the s200 there is a power curve on them

and not so much for the 400

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Guest air gunner

well my supersport was brand spanking new half a year ago its putting out 10.5fps good condition i suppose. Cant decide i can certainly tell the diffeance to when i first started shooting i can now do standing shots at 30 yards and hit within 1 1/2in square leaning i can get consistant groups within a 2cm square so i have a bit to learn yet but the basics are there i think. When i feel a good deal comes along i will probably take it if its a s200 or s400 depends on the deal but a bottle wont be too hard to buy cheap i expect. If anyone has such a deal dont hesitate to pm me.

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S200's are great rifles, with great engineering, but the costs are kept down with plastic bolts and plastic triggers. Changing these ups the cost of the rifle. I'm not saying don't get a PCP but if you want something to hand down to your kids get a decent springer.


i have both a pcp and a springer, and i wouldnt recommend learning to shoot with a pcp, it just doesnt have the feel or the zest to interest young/new shooters.

i use the pcp simply because it is damn near silent, and seriously light.

but as CJ says, i dont think it will outlive the good old springer just yet.

i swing both ways in this respect, i love the pcp, yet i wouldnt ever do away with my springer.

choices choices...............

try them, its the only way to decide.........


Amen That Bud,, : :notworthy:

Edited by klarakoi
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Guest air gunner

yep so il look out for a good second hand deal on a aas410 and then pick up a pump on ebay should be good i if i can find a deal souldent be too hard just wait a long time till one comes up. cheers buds i will update you when i get one thanks for the info.

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