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Ive never worked there tried to avoid it spent most of last year in South Africa Im transfering to Dhubai shortly ...f*k this north sea pish ..Im coiled tubing team leader ...have a safe trip :good:

U lookin for a materials guy need a move from here?

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What a Day :good: An hour before the start of the show! two old guy's walking their dog's, a couple of Border collies and Lakeland X Border came over and chatted to the members who where setting up. While talking!! the wee, old Lakey X Border went to ground after rabbits and got stuck :icon_eek: two members, Alex Cairnie and the Secretary of the club, Tam Finngan immediatly downed tools " fence posts and hammers" and picked up spades and after an hour dug down to the wee tyke and returned her :good: to gratefull owners


As for the show itself, we had an entry of 146 Terriers :good: with Mathew Parr from the Fife and Kinross Working Terrier Club winning the Supreme Championship with a Jack Russel and happily winning the £100 prize for Supreme Champion, The Auction and Raffle went really well :good: with prize's donated from John Deacon and the team at www.decoying.co.uk, the pigeon shooter (Paul) and Joan Hutchison from Gilpa (Gilbertson and Page Ltd as well as some fox nets from Neo, A local bar/resteraunt owner donatated booze and 6 bar lunche's at his place, so thanks go to Danny Pringle :good:


All the kids in the child handling class got a goodie bag and badges for their efforts :good: and free beer and burgers were made available to all. thanks to all who attended and made the day a great success



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Guest tamfinn

As Secretary of the NWDA I'd Like to thank the sponsor's, members of the club and everyone who attended the show, especially the great many Terriermen who made it such a great day!!! Even the odd rain shower did not detract from the day which was a great success for all involved.


Next years show is allready, in the planning and will be bigger and even better and will hopefully include categories for all working dog enthusiasts


Once again a big thank you from all the boys at NWDA




Ps: If anyone is looking for a bingo caller contact our Treasurer, John Kennedy as he made a cracking job of being MC

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