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lampin last neet

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well went out last neet with me bitch and her pup and the sire to the pup`s, went to a mates land in leemain bar, any way got there after a 1and a half hours drive, and got out the moter and it wasent the best night for lamping no wind no cloud cover and fekin frost stratin to kick in :wallbash: so thought fek it we will have a go any way, first field nout much on it as we seen a fox cross the road as we were drivin to the farm, next field silver fox5 from this site had the first slip with storm the sire to my pups ,he hadent been out for a week so was very keen to get the first kill in the bag sliped him and a good race it was a few good turns then bang got it lovely, next field my turn lookin about and could just see hedge line rabbits then looked the field again and there he was sittin tight in the middle lovely, walked on to it and sliped race was on she turned it a few times then bang got it but after the 2nd turn she gave a bark :hmm: any way dident think any more about it baged the bunnie and off we went, got on the crop fields and the surface was a bit hard but not solid so we walked on with each dog gettin a few more very long slips and pickin up every rabbit we seen up, the thing that was buggin me was my bitch was havein the odd bark after the first few turns but wasent a constant bark just 1 bark :hmm: ( could this be coz she has been retrevin long ears and thats when it started when she turned them a few times she barks at them ) :wallbash: any way was a good night with 5 each in the bag total at the end was 10 rabbits dident take many pics just the odd 1 ov the pup with a dead rabbit and the 5 i got will, add them on a bit later on as need to upload them off me phone :thumbs:


thanks for readin .......lamp

Edited by lamp+battery
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cheers mate i think it might ov been off the hard ground but will find out the neet mate.

i the pup is comein on a treet mate she is learnin all the time gettin her jumpin little fences for now, she will find a way throu if she carnt jump over them so she has a good brain on her, had dog`s in the past thet will whine and make a fekin racket if they carnt get throu a fence,



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looks like a good night bud, not a bad bag for a quiet nite, you have to get the monkeys up for an early start one morning.



thinkin ov next sunday mate think i got my heat this weekend tho so will have to let you no mate but i will be up soon mate will bring the pup along and tess with me just incase we see any biguns about you bringin your pup along aswell mate





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