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Moley's Mole trapping Video

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Some of you probably know that a few years ago Moley put a 'How To' video together on moleing. Filmed by himself and his wife it takes you through various types of trap, how to modify them for best results, where to set them and how to set them.


I found this film really useful so I asked Moley if I could convert it to DVD for him and sell it through my site.


I have now done that and it's had the Moley seal of approval so if anyone's interested drop me a PM. It's £15 plus P&P but I'll do it post free for anyone that buys it via THL.


I'll move this topic to classified shortly but I know some of you that read this section might be particularly interested.






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Its a great video one of the best I have seen :D and when you see the piles of moles he catches you will wonder why he doesn't go into the fur trade :icon_eek:

never mind fur trade , with a face like that i should be in films............................................horror films :whistling: or porn :tongue2:

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Its a great video one of the best I have seen :D and when you see the piles of moles he catches you will wonder why he doesn't go into the fur trade :icon_eek:

never mind fur trade , with a face like that i should be in films............................................horror films :whistling: or porn :tongue2:


I got mine today, excellent service on John B's part, excellent DVD on Moley's part, I couldn't be more pleased.


On the subject of porn Moley, Thats a right 70's porno tash you have on the video mate :clapper:

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Got mine today and watched it. Great video. Fascinating to see someone at work who is so thoroughly competent in what they do.


I trap moles in a very different setting and use different traps, but many of the principles regarding trap trigger tuning and trap site selection are the same.


Also I have to say I was amazed at how many moles there are and how extensive the damage is on those farms. You have a heck of a lot more moles than we do. Here in the US, moles really aren't much of a pest in agricultural or other rural settings, but they can be a major pest in urban and suburban gardens.


Riveting entertainment on a Friday night. Good job, Moley!


And I was very impressed with the performance of properly tuned and placed Duffus traps. I can get really high catch rates with properly adjusted Out-o-sight traps and with the Trapline traps I make, but I couldn't honestly claim to be able outperform that Duffus trap. In the hands of a skilled user, that is one really effective tool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks are due to john b for turning it into DVd and Moley himself for being so generous with his knowledge . I've never been shown how to trap moles and I've been happier to make my own decisions , develop my own style and make up my own mind about mole-behaviour over the last twenty or more years .

I've tended to remain a bit insular but it has'nt stopped me being told been many "factoids" over the years by no doubt ernest and well-meaning folk . Sadly so few of these invaluable tips and gems of ancient rustic wisdom seemed to have relevence to my own mole-catching experiences or insights into mole behaviour .

This DVD is different .

It had me grinning and mentally saying ,"yes", every time Moley used a similar technique to my own or blew away some of the oft-repeated but flawed biology & folk-lore tales that have no basis in the real world but add hints of false mysique to the trade. More importantly , Moley ,through the DVd ,generously shares a wealth of practical knowledge and experience that I found impressive and usefull.

This is a good DVD . :thumbs: Thanks again john b and Moley .

Edited by comanche
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