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Food for pups

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My new pup is a bit of a fussy eater what can people recommend to get him eating?

He was on red mills?? but i can't get that my way and he just picks at his food....i take it away after 15min when he's left it but he just isn't keen.....What food is also good for a 8 month pup? off to the vet later but want some working peoples opinions??



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went out yesterday and found a sample of autarky puppy/junior and he loves it, so will be sticking with that and hopefully so will he.....lol..........Thanks for the help though we were surprised when he started eating it!!!

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i dont have fussy food dogs ,if i did i would think it was ill,but if it aint ill, i would not feed the thing for 24hrs or longer then try it again with the same food ,i dont like to see dogs that have food in there bowls all day it says to me the people are over feeding them ,a dog sould clear its bowl of food in a few mins at most ..if you have a fussy dog ,and you give in to it thats if your a soft c**t ,you can give it fish :D but theres no way i would feed one dog differant from the rest it would starve first ,the dog will give in before i would ..if a dogs hungry enough it will any food put down .

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yeah but it ain't great for a growing pup not too be getting the right vitamins etc just because he's settling in to a new home and had a lot to deal with. hes now eating a dry food thats high in everything he needs so he doesn't need to eat so much of it.......all my dogs are fed slightly differently as they all have different requirements.........Thats the way i believe they stay healthiest and therefore do the best job

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Guest mucker

my feeding method nowadays is to feed meat till they,ve done growing then the complete from there on with meat occasionaly.

ive had the odd dog and pup try its luck but if the grubs good enough for the other dogs i have then its a battle of wills the fussy f"*kers not gonna win.

should never let a dog dictate what it eats providing whats on offer isnt crap.

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dickyboy are you sure your not over feeding it ,as a dog with an empty gut will eat any thing put down if its food ,if its a pup twice a day for some but at 9 months old it would be just the once in my yard ,6.30 every night thats when mine are fed ,why at night its so if you are going to work your dog the next day it aint got a belly full of food slowing it down plus they will sleep better on a full gut ..as for the vets they will tell you and sell you there dear brand of food hope you like paying £35 for a bag of dog biscets thats £20 cheeper else were :D you can get a 15kg bag of grayhound mix for £10 thats good enough for your dog unless its a out and out grayhound track racer ..i think your going too learn the hard way by the sounds of things :whistle: :D

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The vet said stick it on adult food but hes now on Autarky natural puppy/junior complete.....£18 a bag and i know its good stuff cos some one i know did a food nutrition study and its not full of junk........I agree with you about put it down and if its not gone in say 5 min then it goes and he goes hungry but cos its high quality food a dog of 30kg only needs to eat 300grams of this a day and i'm not sure he even needs all that so value for money is good....we've also just wormed him(i only got him last sunday) so that should help him to stop losing weight......he won't be over fed, and he just ain't that sort of dog but the food i have for my other dogs(a cocker bitch and an elderly non working lurcher) is no where near enough protein and energy he needs a day especially as he don't eat much i a sitting.......He will be fed once a day when i think its the right time and he no longer needs the extra intake!!!

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