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multiple ferret owners

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I often wonder, if other ferret owners of large numbers, have the same dielema as myself on a ferreting trip, I keep 12 ferts, 5 jills/7 hobs, all quite capable of taking ferreting, but of course, am not going to lug that amount around with me, so I then tend to get favorites, ferts that have done well on the last outing, get taken on the next trip too,


luckerly at a few of my permissions, Im able to drive the jeep very close to the warrens, so came up with the idea of a large transport cage, that could be left in the jeep, as although I have a few fert carrying boxes, did'nt like the idea of ferts being in them all day, but maybe not used,


I put this together today, has a water bottle inside, and I reckon will hold ferrets nicely, carrying 3 ferts at a time in my carrying box, and leaving the rest in the jeep, ferts can be swapped over every couple of warrens or so, depending how they are performing on the day









they know they are going out tomorrow,lol


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i was thinking about makin myself sommit like this, even though i only have two jills having sommit like this would allow me to leave them after its too late to ferret and go out longnetting of with the rifles. i wouldnt want to leave them in their carrying box all that time. where did you get that mesh ??

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where did you get that mesh ??


luckerly, my job doing pidgeon proofing, I get to use lots of different sized sheets of mesh, one or two normally find there way home with me :whistling:


if your within traveling distance, your more than welcome to some

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Got to be better than wedged in a carry box all day. I have 2 large boxes just to keep in the vehicle to hold them. I'll only take 4 ferrets every time I go out, and try to work 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon if it's not to far away from the truck to pick up reinforcements! :thumbs:

Edited by Brimmer
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do you keep all jills or a mixture?


5 jills 7 hobs altogether in the court, as soon as I see the first signs of a jill coming into season, then the four intact hobs get moved to a large seperate cage, leaving a castrated hob and two snipped hobs with the jills, once all jills have been taken out of season, the two snipped hobs will get caged seperatly

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why do you have so many ferrets then ?


ferrets are addictive

Ive reduced numbers big time, used to have more, but have kept what I belive to be the best of the best


those who keep ferrets will know, its no harder looking after two as it is one, and therefore numbers grow, also I have 3 generations, I keep breeding registers and can therefore keep the best cariteristics in my line

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Guest Magwitch
why do you have so many ferrets then ?


ferrets are addictive

Ive reduced numbers big time, used to have more, but have kept what I belive to be the best of the best


those who keep ferrets will know, its no harder looking after two as it is one, and therefore numbers grow, also I have 3 generations, I keep breeding registers and can therefore keep the best cariteristics in my line



Don't believe him he makes fur coats out of them......................... :laugh:


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why do you have so many ferrets then ?


ferrets are addictive

Ive reduced numbers big time, used to have more, but have kept what I belive to be the best of the best


those who keep ferrets will know, its no harder looking after two as it is one, and therefore numbers grow, also I have 3 generations, I keep breeding registers and can therefore keep the best cariteristics in my line



Stubby you have just sorted out my sunday afternoon :D:D I too have alot of ferrets and have been looking at getting a couple more carry cases but that is a cracking idea.. Like you I am able to drive right upto my permissions and this is going to allow me to take more than 3 ferrets at a time.. :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper:

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we do the same mostly.. take all 8 when we only end up using 3-4...


we do the show thing in the summer season so luckily have extra carriers kitted out for them... we just put newspaper on the bottom string a hammock to keep them outta the wet if they make a mess and add a water bottle..


they are very happy in these sorta things for a day's hunting or a day at a show... just makes sense for us and has to be more comfortable for them than in a carry box if they aren't needed in the hunt

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ferrets are addicvtive i had 11 before in 3 cages because people kept giving them to me but cut numbers down as i was spending 25 pound on food every 2-3 weeks and it was hard to keep them all clean..

what put me off keeping alot of ferrets is in the summer where you get flies and maggots even though they are cleaned daily.

im looking forward to having a few litters this year because i had problems with one of my jills last year but have now 3 jills so expecting a good number of kits..

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