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Great to see her & the other dick get this, had my doubts whether they would get a lighter sentence but 8 yrs is ok for the old dog...wonder whats gonna happen when the appeal goes in? my opinion they should of thrown away the key...
my opinion before they thrown away the key they should of hung that wee prick wi the baws.
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In the real world she has four years in a hospital wing at our expense :thumbdown: . Now the average cost of keeping her as an ordinary inmate is about £40K to £50K a year, so do some maths and tell me that this government of ours couldn't pay one of the mersonary's they have been known to hire to serve the right sentence and serve us all a feckin fortune.


Myself I think they should have dug a hole in the ground and buried the wich, see how she liked it :drink:

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In the real world she has four years in a hospital wing at our expense :thumbdown: . Now the average cost of keeping her as an ordinary inmate is about £40K to £50K a year, so do some maths and tell me that this government of ours couldn't pay one of the mersonary's they have been known to hire to serve the right sentence and serve us all a feckin fortune.


Myself I think they should have dug a hole in the ground and buried the wich, see how she liked it :drink:


Dont forget the £3.2 miliion cost of the search Al, she will be out in 4 years, new life, sell her story, all the kids in care, fugging disgrace, 10years minimum me thinks :angry:

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Guest mickyrichardson

8 years is no where near enough for her just think that poor bairn gonna live with it every day for the rest of her life. :wallbash::wallbash:


how the feck can anyone in the world do that 2 there own child fecking evil cow i would give her the fine lead injection and the perverted little tw4t she was with i'd just bray to death with the gun and the other sick mother fecker i would burn the tw4t :censored::censored::censored:

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i thought she would have got more time than that

she will be out in less than 4 years. her remand time will be counted as time served.


probably less for good behaviour , makes me mad when they say 8 years, what they really mean is half that

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This is what really bugs me about the state of the justice system today.

Why say x many years when they are only doing half.

Life should either mean life or string them up.

Get rid of all fancy crap that they get in prison, all the games consoles, all the tvs and dvd players, get it back to what it was like in the program Porridge.

They should get gruel or bread and water for food, they don't deserve to get all the fancy food they get.

Why the hell are paying for a bloody radio station for them as well.

Its about time this country had a protest about the life of luxury these cons get.

If they moan thats its against human rights, TOUGH, you broke the law, you have no rights.



Lets hope Shannon Mathews mother gets a good kicking in jail and hopefully her nonce boyfriend to.

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She will probably come out & be protected for the rest of her life at the expence of the tax payer


Thats how it will happen, and its all wrong :angry:


Probably a whole new identity & a nice cushy little job after the education she will get inside, probably come out with some degree of some kind , i am having to pay for my course monthly , maybe i should dope my kid with sleeping tabs & fake his abduction , it beggers belief

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