donk 12 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 its like being back at school :laugh: Link to post Share on other sites
lurchergrrl 1,441 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 If you're going to bang on about takers and wasters have a good hard look at your own Brits and lump them into the same pile. Want to know how to beat the system and get as much as you can out of the government? Go down the local and talk to the resident alchy who's been getting disability for yonks and drinking it all up while calling people n***ers and raging against immigrants. Or maybe try a corner on your estate, where the chavs hang about drinking on the streets, never doing a day's work, disrespecting their neighbourhood and everyone who lives in it. Or try going into the town centre on a Friday night and asking some slag who's busy puking her guts up after a good old binge session and a quick anonymous shag, having paid a babysitter to look after her baby-chavs with her hard-earned income support I happen to agree that the PC brigade makes things worse. That the culture of this place should be something to be proud of, and Britian is a great country. But to call people names based on their religion or the colour of their skin is nothing more than schoolyard bully talk. To lump them all into one category based on these things is ludicris. Loads of folks come to this country - muslims, jews, whoever - wanting to contribute and be part of Britian. Then of course they hear all this kind of talk, face it on a daily basis, and who can blame them for being disillusioned. And so the cycle continues. But these same schoolyard bully types will eat a curry, take a taxi, or buy thier milk and bread from the corner shop FROM HARD WORKING IMMIGRANTS and never bat an eyelid at the hypocrisy they're supporting. You want to send the wasters back to where the came from? Where are you going to send the millions of Brits who are just as bad, if not WORSE, then the immigrants? Link to post Share on other sites
Halfinch 51 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 (edited) Now here's a thought... if you are ready for the adventure of a lifetime, try this: 1. Go to Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense. 2. Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family. 3. Demand that all nurses and doctors be fluent in English, and that all food be cooked according to your special specifications in the hospital 4. Demand free local government forms, bulletins, etc. Be printed in English. 5. Procreate abundantly. 6. Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive Behaviour with, 'It is a cultural thing; you wouldn't understand.' 7. Keep your original identity strong. Fly your previous country's national flag from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window, or on your car bumper. 8. Speak only English at home and in public, and make sure that your children do likewise. 9. Demand classes on English culture in the Muslim school system. 10. Demand a local country driver license or national insurance number equivalent 11. This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimise your unauthorised, illegal, presence in Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq 12. Drive around with no MOT, tax or insurance and ignore local traffic laws. 13. Insist that local country law enforcement teaches English to all its officers. 14. Organise protest marches against your host country, inciting violence against non-white, non-Christians, and the government that let you in. Good luck! You'll soon be dead. It would never happen in Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq (or any other country in the world for that matter) except in the UK, US, Canada or Australia, because we are run by soft, politically correct politicians that are too scared to 'offend' anyone. Too bloody true, Sure we have bad eggs of our own, but they don't travel half way round the world to get here. Edited January 24, 2009 by Halfinch Link to post Share on other sites
donk 12 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 If you're going to bang on about takers and wasters have a good hard look at your own Brits and lump them into the same pile. Want to know how to beat the system and get as much as you can out of the government? Go down the local and talk to the resident alchy who's been getting disability for yonks and drinking it all up while calling people n***ers and raging against immigrants. Or maybe try a corner on your estate, where the chavs hang about drinking on the streets, never doing a day's work, disrespecting their neighbourhood and everyone who lives in it. Or try going into the town centre on a Friday night and asking some slag who's busy puking her guts up after a good old binge session and a quck anonymous shag, having paid a babysitter to look after her baby-chavs with her hard-earned income support I happen to agree that the PC brigade makes things worse. That the culture of this place should be something to be proud of, and Britian is a great country. But to call people names based on their religion or the colour of their skin is nothing more than schoolyard bully talk. To lump them all into one category based on these things is ludicris. Loads of folks come to this country - muslims, jews, whoever - wanting to contribute and be part of Britian. Then of course they hear all this kind of talk, face it on a daily basis, and who can blame them for being disillusioned. And so the cycle continues. But these same schoolyard bully types will eat a curry, take a taxi, or buy thier milk and bread from the corner shop FROM HARD WORKING IMMIGRANTS and never bat an eyelid at the hypocrisy they're supporting. You want to send the wasters back to where the came from? Where are you going to send the millions of Brits who are just as bad, if not WORSE, then the immigrants? Gan on lass :clapper: Link to post Share on other sites
klarakoi 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 its like being back at school :laugh: I dont know about that bud, that's where I would have spelt it NOB and had a teacher told me otherwise it would have kicked right off, lol,,all the best mate,, Rob.. Link to post Share on other sites
6pack 60 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 If you're going to bang on about takers and wasters have a good hard look at your own Brits and lump them into the same pile. Want to know how to beat the system and get as much as you can out of the government? Go down the local and talk to the resident alchy who's been getting disability for yonks and drinking it all up while calling people n***ers and raging against immigrants. Or maybe try a corner on your estate, where the chavs hang about drinking on the streets, never doing a day's work, disrespecting their neighbourhood and everyone who lives in it. Or try going into the town centre on a Friday night and asking some slag who's busy puking her guts up after a good old binge session and a quick anonymous shag, having paid a babysitter to look after her baby-chavs with her hard-earned income support I happen to agree that the PC brigade makes things worse. That the culture of this place should be something to be proud of, and Britian is a great country. But to call people names based on their religion or the colour of their skin is nothing more than schoolyard bully talk. To lump them all into one category based on these things is ludicris. Loads of folks come to this country - muslims, jews, whoever - wanting to contribute and be part of Britian. Then of course they hear all this kind of talk, face it on a daily basis, and who can blame them for being disillusioned. And so the cycle continues. But these same schoolyard bully types will eat a curry, take a taxi, or buy thier milk and bread from the corner shop FROM HARD WORKING IMMIGRANTS and never bat an eyelid at the hypocrisy they're supporting. You want to send the wasters back to where the came from? Where are you going to send the millions of Brits who are just as bad, if not WORSE, then the immigrants? Jeez - who let the gobby Canadian in? Hard earned income support - classic Link to post Share on other sites
J Darcy 5,871 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 The fact of the matter is GB has become a seething cess-pit for all the shite and dregs from other countries. There are too many people here for a start, so why let any more in? Its about time we started thinking about our own over-population whilst we still have a few green fields left. What we are doing to our beautiful country makes me sick, building everywhere, destroying everything. Too many people, not enough jobs. too many that do not want to work., too many on the sick and working. basically too many people. we dont need any more. Link to post Share on other sites
doga 50 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 FACTS MY ARSE! for every negative stereotype mentioned from all the different cultures you could find one every bit as bad among your own....or doesn't that count?....The only FACT I can see in this post is there are a lot of ignorant people If your going to make gross generalisations about different cultures have the courtesy to include your own as well. here we go again you would rather we were governd by some foreign party than the feckers YOU put in, you seem in every way to me to be a new wave socialist with the obviouse ethnical addage to your family,you make me sick with your do good policies ,any time some one dares to put something of this nature up out comes your neck,well wind it back in,you are for any one it seems other than a native of these isles,look im not a racist although its easy to see why people are that way inclined,you talk about generalising people alot of good british people have emirgrated to releave them selves of whats here,theres just not enough to go round this island is sinking and the intolerance for freedome of speech is not GREATBRITAIN. Ah right cause I dont agree with you mate I'm a new wave socialist whatever the f**k that is. Who are the fuckers I put in mate? as far as I know the SNP hold sway up here. You got the goverment you deserved because of your apathy nothing else. Everytime someone puts shite like this the same old stereotypes are dragged out...Oh theres musy's next door to us ...theyre not like us? they steal our Jobs, houses etc etc etc. This is nothing to do with freedom of speech and if you speak for the majority then we really are in the shite.....I love it when you go I'm not a racist BUT! theres always a but with you fuckers. One more thing I promise to wind my neck in if you can manage to stop dragging your knuckles behind you. undisputed I take issue with your comment about "us f*ckers" putting but into our posts. Please read my post on the second page and I have put a but into it. Does that make me a racist? I ran a car and van hire business for 12 years and my main mechanic until he retired was a Jamacan.He was a gentleman. I have many Asian friends and the taxi firm I use is run by Chinese. So I am a racist am I ? You are the silly f*cker I think !! Take issue with whatever you like its still a free country despite all the immigrants eh! I read your post with interest and notice again you only refer to immigrants in you rant (your words not mine). So there's no bone idle brits content to live of the state and shirk at a hard days work. So if someone eats in an indian or chinese restaurant or uses services owned by some ethnic group they cant be racist. Yeah and I'm the silly f****r no its not a free country thats just the point,you have no freedom of speach!if we had would there be such a word as racist another political word,it obviously hits a cord with you and thats your problem,you call me a knuckle dragger because of my veiws well in your words its a free country.look if youve bought yourself a thai bride thats your problem learn to deal with opinion.s.n.p there you go the something for nothing brigade (sosialist) look it up if you dont know what it means.and if you think the snp can look after bonnie scotland well nieve comes to mind just like labour its got its hand out whilst the cheeky fecker say its mine. Link to post Share on other sites
donk 12 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 Mebbes if we didnt bomb their countries,impose economic sanctions upon them and invade them they might stay where they were born??? Or is that too easy????? Link to post Share on other sites
lurchergrrl 1,441 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 If you're going to bang on about takers and wasters have a good hard look at your own Brits and lump them into the same pile. Want to know how to beat the system and get as much as you can out of the government? Go down the local and talk to the resident alchy who's been getting disability for yonks and drinking it all up while calling people n***ers and raging against immigrants. Or maybe try a corner on your estate, where the chavs hang about drinking on the streets, never doing a day's work, disrespecting their neighbourhood and everyone who lives in it. Or try going into the town centre on a Friday night and asking some slag who's busy puking her guts up after a good old binge session and a quick anonymous shag, having paid a babysitter to look after her baby-chavs with her hard-earned income support I happen to agree that the PC brigade makes things worse. That the culture of this place should be something to be proud of, and Britian is a great country. But to call people names based on their religion or the colour of their skin is nothing more than schoolyard bully talk. To lump them all into one category based on these things is ludicris. Loads of folks come to this country - muslims, jews, whoever - wanting to contribute and be part of Britian. Then of course they hear all this kind of talk, face it on a daily basis, and who can blame them for being disillusioned. And so the cycle continues. But these same schoolyard bully types will eat a curry, take a taxi, or buy thier milk and bread from the corner shop FROM HARD WORKING IMMIGRANTS and never bat an eyelid at the hypocrisy they're supporting. You want to send the wasters back to where the came from? Where are you going to send the millions of Brits who are just as bad, if not WORSE, then the immigrants? Jeez - who let the gobby Canadian in? Hard earned income support - classic I got in 'cause my Gran is a Scouser now living in Canada That's right, I'm proud to be the decendant of a Scouser!! The fact of the matter is GB has become a seething cess-pit for all the shite and dregs from other countries. There are too many people here for a start, so why let any more in? Its about time we started thinking about our own over-population whilst we still have a few green fields left. What we are doing to our beautiful country makes me sick, building everywhere, destroying everything. Too many people, not enough jobs. too many that do not want to work., too many on the sick and working. basically too many people. we dont need any more. I happen to agree with you Darcy. Tis the same in Canada. The medical and school systems are heaving under the weight of too many people (though I doubt we'll ever run out of greenspace there). Immgration policies are a result of political dealings, local right up to global. When there are loads of natives taking the piss out of the public coffers, one can hardly blame immigrants for following suit. Link to post Share on other sites
doga 50 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 The fact of the matter is GB has become a seething cess-pit for all the shite and dregs from other countries. There are too many people here for a start, so why let any more in? Its about time we started thinking about our own over-population whilst we still have a few green fields left. What we are doing to our beautiful country makes me sick, building everywhere, destroying everything. Too many people, not enough jobs. too many that do not want to work., too many on the sick and working. basically too many people. we dont need any more. quite right j d watch it your close to upset Link to post Share on other sites
droid 11 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 thank god you dont run the country Sounds pretty realistic to me. Link to post Share on other sites
undisputed 1,664 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 You dont have a clue what your talking about you pretentious nob, I'm no racist, and I dont need a bully like you insinuating that I am one, your one self opinionated nob, get a life,, oh and another thing big boy I havnt a clue who the young lad is but if I was his big brother maybe I would have more to say,, Why are you calling 'undisputed' a nobleman? I think the word you were searching for was 'knob'. Thanks for that mate dont mind being called a knob but a nobleman is a bit below the belt. Link to post Share on other sites
undisputed 1,664 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 (edited) Undisputed, you can have some brownie points for being such a good citizen. All praise Undi, THL do-gooder Listen kid you can slag me when your nuts have dropped till then How is it slagging off. I was being very kind. I think you are homophobic talking about bum bashing and homos in the same sentence. Now you are labelling us hunting folk as racist, barbaric and homophobic!!! Thats a big leap Will! run along its nearly 10.00pm time for bed! :blink: Why are you beating up this young lad ,, reading through your posts its quite obvious you tar everyone with a brush, and its your brush,, have your opinion mate but dont try and make out that we are all racists, I can make educated comments when I need to, but it seems to me your missing some points here, everyone in the UK are legally entitled to there own political beliefs, and its not yours or my place to judge them,, oh and another thing my balls have dropped so I wont be running off to bed,lol,, What are you his big brother? he's in bed then I take it all tucked in for the night. And again not tarring anyone with anything you obviously havn't read the posts correctly havn't called anyone a racist your young friend openly stated that himself. I dont think I am missing any points here you may be entitled to your opinion and political beliefs but you dont have to share them on an open forum for all the world to see if you dont want anyone to comment. And thanks for sharing that about your balls although it was a tad more info than I needed. You dont have a clue what your talking about you pretentious nob, I'm no racist, and I dont need a bully like you insinuating that I am one, your one self opinionated nob, get a life,, oh and another thing big boy I havnt a clue who the young lad is but if I was his big brother maybe I would have more to say,, Yeah I'm the hardman sitting behind the keyboard trying scare folk who dont agree with me.....maybe you arn't racist dont really give a shit I dont think you know what you are.....why you calling me big boy? that has gay connotations and using the word knob as well as telling me your balls have dropped I think you may have some other issues to deal with fuckwit! Edited January 24, 2009 by undisputed Link to post Share on other sites
undisputed 1,664 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 FACTS MY ARSE! for every negative stereotype mentioned from all the different cultures you could find one every bit as bad among your own....or doesn't that count?....The only FACT I can see in this post is there are a lot of ignorant people If your going to make gross generalisations about different cultures have the courtesy to include your own as well. here we go again you would rather we were governd by some foreign party than the feckers YOU put in, you seem in every way to me to be a new wave socialist with the obviouse ethnical addage to your family,you make me sick with your do good policies ,any time some one dares to put something of this nature up out comes your neck,well wind it back in,you are for any one it seems other than a native of these isles,look im not a racist although its easy to see why people are that way inclined,you talk about generalising people alot of good british people have emirgrated to releave them selves of whats here,theres just not enough to go round this island is sinking and the intolerance for freedome of speech is not GREATBRITAIN. Ah right cause I dont agree with you mate I'm a new wave socialist whatever the f**k that is. Who are the fuckers I put in mate? as far as I know the SNP hold sway up here. You got the goverment you deserved because of your apathy nothing else. Everytime someone puts shite like this the same old stereotypes are dragged out...Oh theres musy's next door to us ...theyre not like us? they steal our Jobs, houses etc etc etc. This is nothing to do with freedom of speech and if you speak for the majority then we really are in the shite.....I love it when you go I'm not a racist BUT! theres always a but with you fuckers. One more thing I promise to wind my neck in if you can manage to stop dragging your knuckles behind you. undisputed I take issue with your comment about "us f*ckers" putting but into our posts. Please read my post on the second page and I have put a but into it. Does that make me a racist? I ran a car and van hire business for 12 years and my main mechanic until he retired was a Jamacan.He was a gentleman. I have many Asian friends and the taxi firm I use is run by Chinese. So I am a racist am I ? You are the silly f*cker I think !! Take issue with whatever you like its still a free country despite all the immigrants eh! I read your post with interest and notice again you only refer to immigrants in you rant (your words not mine). So there's no bone idle brits content to live of the state and shirk at a hard days work. So if someone eats in an indian or chinese restaurant or uses services owned by some ethnic group they cant be racist. Yeah and I'm the silly f****r no its not a free country thats just the point,you have no freedom of speach!if we had would there be such a word as racist another political word,it obviously hits a cord with you and thats your problem,you call me a knuckle dragger because of my veiws well in your words its a free country.look if youve bought yourself a thai bride thats your problem learn to deal with opinion.s.n.p there you go the something for nothing brigade (sosialist) look it up if you dont know what it means.and if you think the snp can look after bonnie scotland well nieve comes to mind just like labour its got its hand out whilst the cheeky fecker say its mine. So being racist is something the politicians dreamed up...I've heard it all now...Your idea of free speech I take it is to stand on a soap box and tell anyone who will listen that its the immigrants that are bringing the country to its knees. As for the SNP I never said they had the answers or that I supported them,,,READ THE POST CORRECTLY. And I dont have a Tai bride she's English actually. I looked up the word SOSIALIST couldn't find it so your gonna have to tell me what it means......So out of interest who gets your vote at the next election then :hmm: Link to post Share on other sites
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