donk 12 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 undisputed said: donk said: My father was from aberdeen,my mother was from galway bay, i live in england,wtf am i? :clapper: Confused Totally :clapper: Link to post Share on other sites
para1 11 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 goldfinch2007 said: mad al said: goldfinch2007 said: i thought this was a hunting site .i think im on the nazi party not rascaist you all say thats exactly what you least be men and admit it. everyone on here knows I am a racist, so feckin what, it don't make me any more of a man than a member who isn't. So before the slaggin starts..........just deal with it the makins of another good thread I'd say at least you admit half of the daft c**ts agree with you,but say im not about sitting on the fence.this thread will end up like ww3 like you say another good thread better than watching big f*****g brother What are you talking about ww3 we already lost that one and their wasn't one shot fired. I have fought for my Queen & country and I can say I am racist I have every right to dislike my neighbor White or black. I feel sorry for all young Brits you will have to put up with things I could not stand for. Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WILF Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 I am racist........I cant stand any of you white c**ts!! Link to post Share on other sites
Little Butch 16 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 whitser said: good career choice. join the army,they need men like you. you'll get to travel the world shooting "pakis" and "rag heads". shame you need to half way around the world for a kill, maybe if you ask nicely the m.o.d will let you bring your rifle home with you. I've got a 12 Bore, will this be good enough? Butch Link to post Share on other sites
Guest whitser Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 funny to hear wanna be british soldiers giving out about immigrants when your planning to join up and play your part in the occupation of other foreign countries. this is my last post on this subject as its getting too political for a hunting site imo. and as i said before politics has no place in the hunting field(unless its directly related ie.hunting ban). Link to post Share on other sites
Little Butch 16 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 How long did you serve mate? And you didn't answer my question.. I've got a 12 Bore will this be good enough for one of them 'Pakis' or 'Ragheads' as you like to call them? Link to post Share on other sites
Guest whitser Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 slan leat Link to post Share on other sites
Little Butch 16 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 Goodbye to you too.. Butch Link to post Share on other sites
klarakoi 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 undisputed said: klarakoi said: undisputed said: gonetoearth said: undisputed said: gonetoearth said: undisputed said: gonetoearth said: lurchergrrl said: undisputed said: FACTS MY ARSE! for every negative stereotype mentioned from all the different cultures you could find one every bit as bad among your own....or doesn't that count?....The only FACT I can see in this post is there are a lot of ignorant people If your going to make gross generalisations about different cultures have the courtesy to include your own as well. Well said Undi!!! Tis ok to point fingers at other cultures, so long as you're also willing to point them at your own. we are all well aware the victimization of any culture is wrong this nation has lost millions of its brave young men in confects ww1 ww2 boznia, Iraq, Afghanistan to name but a few ,DEFENDING OTHER CULTURES BUT WHEN ARE OWN CULTURE IS UNDER THREAT AND WE SPEAK UP WE ARE CALLED RACIST Your culture is not under threat from Muslims, Poles or whoever its under threat from white politicians who would sell their parents to get a vote they are the ones that you should be angry at. my culture is wide and varied born out of a wealth of history one of an island race that was invaded by many different cultures are religion Christian , we we a nation of explores inventors and innovators the latter two we still are , the reason we are the destination of choice for thousands of asylum seekers and immigrants is are welfare state those who would want work welcome, those who were part of the Commonwealth welcome, those who have fought and laid down there lives in defense of this nation welcome , to those who seek to take and defraud are nation should be rooted out and sent back from were ever they came , we are a small island over populated as it is we are not the the power we once were we do not have the wealth we once had , we need to stop immigration now and take stock , we are creating a problem that will in years to come explode,the biggest threat to this nation is apathy , your white politicians of who you talk were voted in democratically the bnp have been voted in democratically , as is your own snp the snp is anti British is that not racism or is it OK to beat up girls in Scotland for having a English accent , this is not about racisim it is a debate on the first post , we have welcomed people from all over the world for years but not on the levels that are coming now, the strains on housing , health care and the benfit system are accute you calling every one a racist is the easy way out , Sorry to disappoint you mate but nowhere in any of my posts have I called anyone a racist....the responses to this post speak for themselves. You bang on about the commonwealth. These people that came here in the 50's and 60's came at the invitation of the British goverment and were often in the lowest paid jobs and poorest housing, jobs and houses that British people wouldn't take. You talk about democracy we endured 18years of Thatcher and her cronies despite not having voted for them....middle England put her in power not the rest of the country. I dont know where your headed with the beating up of girls because of their accent.....we're in a shit storm of our own making and instead of looking at the real causes of it we believe the hype and turn on others who perceive as being responsible ie Muslims, Poles, etc. Who's next after we deport all the ethnic minorities to where they came from. Do we then go onto eye colour, ginger hair accents. A fellow across the water tried a similar experiment and look where that landed him. you may not have used the word racist but the connotations were there , iam no fan of the thatcher years far from it , like wise i have never banged on about the Commonwealth read my post , i make a comment , on who this nation owes the right of access , we cannot carry on just having an open door policy this in its self will create racism be it poles Muslims who ever , we are at saturation point simple , unless we send them all to London and build a wall across north of watford and declare udi Any connotations were there long before I responded to this post. Its the same old dribble spouted everytime a post like this pops up its always somebody elses fault. Then why bother posting threads , I dont want you getting the wrong impression and thinking your right No but you obviously think you are big boy Link to post Share on other sites
klarakoi 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 undisputed said: klarakoi said: undisputed said: will.f11 said: undisputed said: will.f11 said: Undisputed, you can have some brownie points for being such a good citizen. All praise Undi, THL do-gooder Listen kid you can slag me when your nuts have dropped till then How is it slagging off. I was being very kind. I think you are homophobic talking about bum bashing and homos in the same sentence. Now you are labelling us hunting folk as racist, barbaric and homophobic!!! Thats a big leap Will! run along its nearly 10.00pm time for bed! :blink: Why are you beating up this young lad ,, reading through your posts its quite obvious you tar everyone with a brush, and its your brush,, have your opinion mate but dont try and make out that we are all racists, I can make educated comments when I need to, but it seems to me your missing some points here, everyone in the UK are legally entitled to there own political beliefs, and its not yours or my place to judge them,, oh and another thing my balls have dropped so I wont be running off to bed,lol,, What are you his big brother? he's in bed then I take it all tucked in for the night. And again not tarring anyone with anything you obviously havn't read the posts correctly havn't called anyone a racist your young friend openly stated that himself. I dont think I am missing any points here you may be entitled to your opinion and political beliefs but you dont have to share them on an open forum for all the world to see if you dont want anyone to comment. And thanks for sharing that about your balls although it was a tad more info than I needed. You dont have a clue what your talking about you pretentious nob, I'm no racist, and I dont need a bully like you insinuating that I am one, your one self opinionated nob, get a life,, oh and another thing big boy I havnt a clue who the young lad is but if I was his big brother maybe I would have more to say,, Link to post Share on other sites
klarakoi 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 gonetoearth said: undisputed said: FACTS MY ARSE! for every negative stereotype mentioned from all the different cultures you could find one every bit as bad among your own....or doesn't that count?....The only FACT I can see in this post is there are a lot of ignorant people If your going to make gross generalisations about different cultures have the courtesy to include your own as belong to one i presume you hunt with dogs sir if so you are in the eyes of the law a law breaker ,your culture is seen by a section of this nation to be barbaric and you are the victim of class hatred if any other minority had been treated in this way there would be outrage , your own ignorance of the fear of the common man is very apparant to protect your country and the things you hold dear is not racist Well said bud, The mans an arse, end of, Link to post Share on other sites
PORK CHOP 13 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 undisputed said: Little Butch said: It's not Racism It's Patriotism Yes, there Is good and bad In all races but from what I and others have experienced there's alot of bad In these Immigrating c*nts! I could sit here and type up every single thing that pisses me off about them but quite frankly, I can't be f*cked.. Now call me a Racist or what ever I really couldn't give two sh*ts! Butch I think you'll find if you go back far enough you'll find you were one of those immigrating c** are the vast majority of the inhabitants of this wee island.....and to be honest I couldn't give two shits either if your a racist undi wake up and smell the f*****g coffee if u like them so much f**k off to their country(just my oppinion) Link to post Share on other sites
jultaylor1972 2 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 Madness gone politically correct!! Link to post Share on other sites
droid 11 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 klarakoi said: You dont have a clue what your talking about you pretentious nob, I'm no racist, and I dont need a bully like you insinuating that I am one, your one self opinionated nob, get a life,, oh and another thing big boy I havnt a clue who the young lad is but if I was his big brother maybe I would have more to say,, Why are you calling 'undisputed' a nobleman? I think the word you were searching for was 'knob'. Link to post Share on other sites
klarakoi 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Report Share Posted January 24, 2009 droid said: klarakoi said: You dont have a clue what your talking about you pretentious nob, I'm no racist, and I dont need a bully like you insinuating that I am one, your one self opinionated nob, get a life,, oh and another thing big boy I havnt a clue who the young lad is but if I was his big brother maybe I would have more to say,, Why are you calling 'undisputed' a nobleman? I think the word you were searching for was 'knob'. Nobleman??? where,??? Oh nob?????? sorry, KNOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Link to post Share on other sites
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