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my theoben evolution

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I know what most are gonna think but its not what you think I have an evolution and the lad I got it off has been messing and let the air out of gas ram for shooting rats and pigeons in barns and it is set at about 6ftlb wich is no good to me for rabbits but I have a slim jim pump and want an adaptor for it to fit my evolution because I would like to be able to drop presure for rats and pigeons but pump it back up for rabbits I have a crono and have no intension of putting my gun up above 11.5ftlb but my nearest gun shop is 100mile away and at a tenner a time to blow gun up and the £20 to get there it is a dear job any help on were to get one or a second hand one or how to make one would be great much thanks guys. :thumbs:

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are you from ulverston mate?????


my mate has a gun shop in grange-o-sands !!!!!!


he may even have or can get you the adaptor.




cheers mate



Nice one mate il give him a try I have been in there a few times good old lad that has it ive been on to fawcets and they said they carnt get them now theoben wont sell them to private owners shops only now the reason I dont use the hut is the old lad didnt do a lot with air rifles at the time but was allways good for a tin of pellets has he gone more into the air rifles now? pm me cheers sean

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