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Unfair to get a dog or not ?

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I also wouldnt advise a collie. My 1st dog was a collie & whilst we had 11 yrs together he would herd kids in the field, happily chase & 'nip' lads in baseball hats, hated hoodies & was a really nervous dog. Ok he was a rescue & a pet. He could never work anyway- he used to run off.

I'd maybe look for a lurcher or steadier type of dog, based on what you have said.

We currently have 3 non working dogs- that said think two of them could work no problem at all. We also work. I have some one come up to the house to let them out to toilet etc.

There are lots of dogs out there & as others on here have said you will find the right dog for you, there are also lots of lurcher types in the pound.

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Hello everybody

My mum has allowed me to get a dog but before i go through with it I would like to know your opinions on if i should or not ?


I will describe my situation :


If i had the dog he would go on a 30min walk and training session every morning at 6:00am.

In the evening he would go for a 60 min walk, with me on my bike. Another training session would be performed. As well as a long session of retrieving.

He would come running with me running 10 Kilometres and above 3 times a week at a fast pace as I do a lot of cross country races and rugby.

On the weekends i would be working him (shooting,walking,ferreting) in the countryside. All day walking, running, hunting,swimming retrieving etc etc. I go shooting a lot and so Jake would be fed on prime rabbit, pigeon etc with butchers offcuts,oats and vegetables.

So far im guessing this seems like a very good home for him but as with everything there is a but.


We live in london for one, althought we spend a lot of time in the country. Also after his morning walk, jake would be left alone from 8:00 to 4:00. I see that as a problem. He will have our garden which is not minscule but not exactly large either to roam in. He will also have the comfort of a kennel with access to the bottom floor of the house.


During my holidays obviouslly he would be with me 24/7 working, running etc etc.


What do you all think?




personally the london thing wouldnt worry me but certainly if you came to me for a pup I would say no as I wouldnt want a pup being left alone all that time. All your activities sound perfect but if you have a pup it would be a couple of years befre he was up to that sort of regime.

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i wouldnt be able to say you shouldnt have a dog becouse all the posts you have put up on this subject you are takeing getting a dog verry seriuse. more so them most people that have dogs on here so get your self one mate if i was you i whould get a little dog first a small lurcher or a terrier. thought if your leveing it all day on its owen a pen whould be a good thing to have just in case it get bored & eats the house lol. you dont whant teh new dog eating your mams house now do you. :whistling:

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