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Unfair to get a dog or not ?

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Hello everybody

My mum has allowed me to get a dog but before i go through with it I would like to know your opinions on if i should or not ?


I will describe my situation :


If i had the dog he would go on a 30min walk and training session every morning at 6:00am.

In the evening he would go for a 60 min walk, with me on my bike. Another training session would be performed. As well as a long session of retrieving.

He would come running with me running 10 Kilometres and above 3 times a week at a fast pace as I do a lot of cross country races and rugby.

On the weekends i would be working him (shooting,walking,ferreting) in the countryside. All day walking, running, hunting,swimming retrieving etc etc. I go shooting a lot and so Jake would be fed on prime rabbit, pigeon etc with butchers offcuts,oats and vegetables.

So far im guessing this seems like a very good home for him but as with everything there is a but.


We live in london for one, althought we spend a lot of time in the country. Also after his morning walk, jake would be left alone from 8:00 to 4:00. I see that as a problem. He will have our garden which is not minscule but not exactly large either to roam in. He will also have the comfort of a kennel with access to the bottom floor of the house.


During my holidays obviouslly he would be with me 24/7 working, running etc etc.


What do you all think?




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i dont see you having any problem alot of dogs only get the same amount of exercise as you have stated as there owners work or what have you sounds like the pup will be going to a good home all the best with it, do you have the dog already or have you just already named it jake.

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A good question mate and one more folks should ask themselves before getting a dog themselves,first thing is the type of work you will have for your dog and the time left alone is a collie the right sort of dog?.A good lurcher would cover your needs and would certainly be a fit animal with you,but one that would spend a day lying around also(most i've known won't refuse a comfy sofa).Also mate why they getting rid of the collie and how old is it?,it may be to highly strung for it's owners so being no good for you it being left on it's own,good to see someone thinking correctly about getting a dog :clapper::clapper:

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  young_london_hunter said:
sorry i emailed a hoime with a border collie up for adoption thats a copy.


is 7 hours not too long ?

don't worry lads im most definetedly not an anti even though im f*****g surronded by them :angry:


If you do treat the dog how you say you will, then he will have a lovely home... :)

However, I'm not sure if a collie is the right choice... Before you set your heart on Jake think about it a bit more. Collies were bred to herd, and in some of them this instinct is very strong. If Jake is an ex working sheepdog, you may encounter problems. Not many sheep in London, but plenty of cyclists, joggers, kids, and cars to be rounded up!

Collies are very intelligent, so Jake will need some mental stimulation, as well as lots of exercise. Any training will be a good idea, but he will learn fast so you'll have to keep thinking up new things for him to do! If you don't, he'll just think of all sorts of mischief to get into.


However, my collies sit in their kennels for hours on end with no problems, but they do have each other for company, and get lots of exercise. A lot depends on the temperament of the dog - collies can be very nervous, and also very snappy. Not really a problem with biting because it's usually a nip someone's arse and disappear pretty sharpish sort of biting, but I did have a rather lethal collie once who tended to bite first and ask questions later. They can also sneak off and do a bit of child-herding, complete with nips to keep the brats in line, when you're not looking :whistling:


Also, if Jake is an ex-farm dog he may find the traffic and noise in town a bit disconcerting. I have to say, I've never seen a collie being used as a gundog, although once trained, they can turn their paws to anything :)


Good luck with whatever dog you decide to get, but had you considered getting a pup? It's much easier to form a bond with a dog that you've had from a very young age. Taking on a dog from a home is very commendable, but be aware that you may be taking on a dog with problems... Having said that, I once homed a super dog, his only drawback was that he was 8yrs old...

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