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Terriers getting on together

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Hi everyone got a 18 month old border dog. thinking of getting another terrier pup what are the chances they will get on with each other.dont want to get a pup then have to give it away cheers.
hi mate just introduce it slowly to your border it will soon get to no it dont take no chances you know what these terriers are like


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Two terriers is a very different ball game to one terrier. They start working and thinking together and can fight/bicker together.


I have a girl and a boy and they argue like an old married couple. It depends I think also if you are getting a very dominant one or submissive one. I personally would think alot about having two terriers liviing together - they set each other off, barking and lead each other astray very easily, especially in the house. I have to be the top dog all the time.


Two of the same sex may well fight too for dominance. Terriers never take no for an answer much either! Stubborn little buggers that want to rule the world!


I let our's meet outside a friend's house. Everyone was off a lead and I opened the car door (he had had a 14 hour ferry trip plus a car ride with me) and there were 5 dogs - my 2 (lurcher and bitch terrier) plus two bitch collies. My new neutered male Patt just said hello and we took them for a quick walk in an enclosed field and then I said good-bye packing all my three dogs into the car and drove home. We never looked back.


I think it helped being on no-man's land, so to speak. It was an area full of doggie smells and everyone was relaxed. If a fight had started, there were two hefty females to wade in and stop it, kicking arses as we went. But nothing happened. The dogs just all did the usual bum sniff and went on their way. They have been like that ever since.


Treat them both fairly, some rules apply for both, be consistent and be firm. Your word, not theirs. I hope they play together and are friends.


They argue when they hunt. If one finds a hole, the other wants it and a fight will start. The bitch always wins and can make the dog howl. I will step in then and make them work separately. They cannot work together although they will work with the lurcher no problem.


I think it is a case of the pack dynamic and who is the leader. Your choice, not theirs. Don't let yourself be manipulated because you suddenly realise your whole life is changing to suit your dogs and you never even noticed.


Good luck. Also watch out for wandering - they will go off together, especially if one likes to wander, then the other will go along for the ride and they can go for miles!

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