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hi woderd if anyone could help i have a bsa lightning which i use on rabbits and rats but went out the other day and seem to be missing everything so i set up a target in the back garden and i was hitting it, anyone any ideas?


and also wat is the easyest way to set up ur sights as im sick of waisting pellets firing at targets? cheers karl

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get one of those cheepy tri stools with a cloth seet, dont sit on it though, rest the gun on.. the cloth should absorb most of the recoil,


put a cross on a peice of paper, on the verticle put two lines eather side the verticle..

measure your zero range and put the paper there (measure from you though, your distance perseptions from your eyeballs).


if your guns moveing off the POI when you shoot then fire in three's, and move the group to the verticle, then set to the horizontal (unles otherwise stated in the scope instructions, some scopes say move a little on each turrut to stop the hair prism thing bincing up inside and shifting later as it settles).


(dont forget to check for 'cant'... shoot 10 yards further ten yards shorter, more if you have room, if it goes one side further, and the other side nearer its squewiffed... use a plumb bob line to line your scope..).

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hi woderd if anyone could help i have a bsa lightning which i use on rabbits and rats but went out the other day and seem to be missing everything so i set up a target in the back garden and i was hitting it, anyone any ideas?


and also wat is the easyest way to set up ur sights as im sick of waisting pellets firing at targets? cheers karl



Hi Karl,


If you are talking telescope sights, then you could try looking Here - it's a guide i constructed to help anyone set-up a scope on an air rifle.


I hope you find it of use to you mate.



All the best,


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From Experiences @ Lea Valley


With New Shooters


Is using Multi Focus Scopes


And miss Judging distances


Reason I prefer to use 6 x 42 Fixed Focus Scopes on my Hunting Air rifles


I am not a Paper Target person


Rather stick out Several Different Targets on Meat Sticks @ Different Distances


Lucky as We have plenty of used 12 Bore Cartridge Cases


And even have Races between shooters - knocking them up range...........



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