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Molecatching in the Frost

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Just wondered how fellow molecatchers were doing during this cold snap. I have had some good results despite the ground freezing solid in some areas. I have just come in from checking a few traps to some football pitches and a large garden and had a mole in every trap that had been triggered. I was using the Talpex type traps and was covering them completely over the top so it looked like another mole hill. This helps disguise the traps (especially to the football pitches) and stops them getting stolen........also it alows the traps to operate as normal underground as only the outside crust of the hill freezes solid. The Duffus traps would have worked equally as well no doubt.......but the old tongs type traps would be a bit hit and miss.......unless covered by an old flowerpot or something to avoid the frost. So how do you cope during periods of hard frost?


Rolfe ;)




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hi Rolfe, i had the same problem two weeks ago, i coud'nt even get the probe in the ground i was about to go home and tell them i would come back when it thawed, then i thought i wonder if i lift the mole hill as they were frozen solid, it worked i cleaned out the run set the talpex covered it with a bin bag and a hessian sack to stop the frost, went back two days later, out of three traps set one mole caught job finished.

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I don't know much about mole catching Rolfe :cry: But is that a flag of surrender that the moles put up on that flagpole :clapper: as it should be white. no iam taking the piss sorry good work well done :)


You Take the pee.......never :laugh: :laugh: It's a cold hard life at times catching moles........but in the summer it is one of the best jobs going for sure. Right... need to warm me hands up. ;) ;)

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I don't know much about mole catching Rolfe :cry: But is that a flag of surrender that the moles put up on that flagpole :clapper: as it should be white. no iam taking the piss sorry good work well done :)



Don't worry 'bout the moles Tray', anything to do with little creatures whizzing back and forth in tunnels, then Rolfe the machine is your man. :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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Guest traceyg
I don't know much about mole catching Rolfe :cry: But is that a flag of surrender that the moles put up on that flagpole :clapper: as it should be white. no iam taking the piss sorry good work well done :)



Don't worry 'bout the moles Tray', anything to do with little creatures whizzing back and forth in tunnels, then Rolfe the machine is your man. :clapper::clapper::clapper:

:good: :wacko: :blink: ok thanks for that lol

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The frost hasnt been hard enough up here in the last few weeks to stop me trapping, but when I looked out of the window yesterday at a few inches of snow and more comming down...I thaught oh no, thats me rabbiting today then!! But after finally making it over the top of the valley as I dropped down the hill the lower valley was still dry and it was a mild sunny day :icon_eek: just shows what difference 15-20 mile can make!!


Wasnt frosty here today either, was a chill wind though, sapps the energy alright... my hands still went numb though!!

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A mama mole, a papa mole, and a baby mole all live in a little mole hole.


One day the papa mole sticks his head out of the hole, sniffs the air and says,"Yum! I smell maple syrup!"


The mama mole sticks her head out of the hole, sniffs the air and says "Yum! I smell honey!"


The baby mole tries to stick his head out of the hole to sniff the air, but can't because the bigger moles are in the way, he says, "Geez, all I can smell is MOLASSES!"


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