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......but my darker side says my kindness was taken for weakness and weak i am not....fortunately my violent days are mostly in the past and i dont feel i need to prove anything in that way


Rekindle your youth, sometimes it feels goood.

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Well thanks for the opinions chaps....so its not me going senile then !

Had it been a dog or anything of such value,believe me id do whatever it took....but......it was stuff of little value.

My softer side says long gone are my days of money worries thankfully and if they are that desperate for money then they clearly need it more than me so i suppose im happy to help out any fellow englishman......but my darker side says my kindness was taken for weakness and weak i am not....fortunately my violent days are mostly in the past and i dont feel i need to prove anything in that way hence on this occasion i think i have already accomplished my mission.....im not the type to name and shame......but if and when they read this thread they will know it didnt go unnoticed and although they dont have any,many people on here do still have morals and principals............

Thanks lads :thumbs:


Your not weak mate, you sound like a kind man and someone who likes to help others,, and that's not weakness, dont let a person like this make you change the way you are,, all the best bud,,

Rob.. :thumbs:

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He should of asked you if you wanted them back if he no longer needed them, by not doing that and selling them makes the guy a piss taker, who could do with his balls chopping off ;)


Still makes you a proper guy for letting him have the stuff though. :thumbs:

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