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alaunt x greyhound pup

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hi all just thought id post a few pics of my bullx pup,i got it off scotsman off here,ive had her 3 wks and shes 12wks old now,shes just had her final jab and microchip today ive called her jade,shes a fiery little sod scared o nowt,cheers scotsman mate im made up with her,shes gonna be a belter il keep you informed on her

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hi all just thought id post a few pics of my bullx pup,i got it off scotsman off here,ive had her 3 wks and shes 12wks old now,shes just had her final jab and microchip today ive called her jade,shes a fiery little sod scared o nowt,cheers scotsman mate im made up with her,shes gonna be a belter il keep you informed on her

sorry cant get pics on will try again

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hi all just thought id post a few pics of my bullx pup,i got it off scotsman off here,ive had her 3 wks and shes 12wks old now,shes just had her final jab and microchip today ive called her jade,shes a fiery little sod scared o nowt,cheers scotsman mate im made up with her,shes gonna be a belter il keep you informed on her

hows it going a seen the pups when scotsman had them at his house and a liked the white bitch a was down at scotsman the other day and the pup he has kept for himself its comeing on a treat a never seen the dam of the pups but if the pups turn out like the sire you wont go wrong a bred my bitch with zues and and a kept a dog and am chuffed the way he is turning out so far good luck you might need it if i can mind right the white bitch was a handfull ha ha

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handfull,youre not wrong mate shes relentless,shes coming on a treat tho,these pics are doin my head in any idea :D

your in the same boat as me a cant get eny pics up av been trying for ages a need help with it

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if he turns out like scotsmans dog a will be more than happy becouse zues can run to look at you would not think so but av seen it for myself and for his size and weight of him hes quick

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