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was up early tismorning went out on my own walked a few ditchs tryed an earth i dug last year looked well ran and luchers were marking terrier was bounceing on the lead so i blocked most of the holes put in my russel dog and he was on stright away dug down got the job done happy the way his comeing along.meet up with a few of the lads around dinner time and tryed an earth which a vixen bolted from and went to the cover and the dog found her again in an earth was a handy one only 0.5 i dug it with my little black dog when the dig was done i handed my black dog over to the young lad who has been diging with me for two seasons i thought it fair that his frist terrer be a good one hope he keeps going for him.
,, Edited by stevie g 2005
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was up early tismorning went out on my own walked a few ditchs tryed an earth i dug last year looked well ran and luchers were marking terrier was bounceing on the lead so i blocked most of the holes put in my russel dog and he was on stright away dug down got the job done happy the way his comeing along.meet up with a few of the lads around dinner time and tryed an earth which a vixen bolted from and went to the cover and the dog found her again in an earth was a handy one only 0.5 i dug it with my little black dog when the dig was done i handed my black dog over to the young lad who has been diging with me for two seasons i thought it fair that his frist terrer be a good one hope he keeps going for him.

good going mate i will take that russel off ur hands :yes::yes: anyway keep up the good work lad

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