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New to THL obviously. Live in Wales and I used to do a some target shooting and hunting in the late 80's early 90's but nothing in a long time.


I now have time to enjoy the sport once again, a family member has given me permission to shoot/hunt on there land and I have a love of rabbit pie. ;)


I have had some experience with rifles from 22 to 762 and hand guns from 9mm to 45. I also had a little experience with shotguns, but not as much as i'd liked.


I'm interested in air rifles initialy as no current FAC needed provided under the power limit guidelines. This is a completely new area to me and i'm interested to pick up as many tips as I can before i purchase a rifle who's primary function will be hunting once I get the eye back into line, so to speak.


As more time and funds become available I may pursue a FAC application, but will wait to see how things work out.


I'll probably spend more time trawling the forumns for info as i don't like to ask questions that have already been answered on the forums, but will doubtless ask away as my knowledge and experiance grows.



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