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Top of the world again!

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Right a few weeks ago I flogged the old one into walking to the top of our land, we had a good day, decent bag, but he struggled with the walking.

Managed to get him up there again, but with alternative transport!




Threw him on the back of the farmers quad as he was going to feed his sheep, I walked up with the dog, it was a little cold so I needed to warm up!

Once there we got straight down to business, dog marking up, no nets just the handy hobs! (Only got piccies when i got home, too busy to get them during the day!








Going well, not many getting out of the holes, shallow digs, and any that got away from these two were soon nailed by the dog!


Then it looked like a nasty weather front moving in!




We took shelter whilst this was going on!




It got worse!




But did not stop the dog from doing his thing, marking up whilst we sheltered!




It blew past after around 30 minutes, but left the place white!






Carried on though, plenty of digs but a few rabbits as well.

Decided it was time to head down to the truck, it had thawed slightly by now, and got accosted by a couple of teams of walkers wanting to know the in's and out's of rabbiting, (one was a really tidy lass, so I let her take a snap of the team!)



Ended up with 31, not easy, but worthwhile bunny's, another decent day at the top of the world!




All the best lads!

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Right a few weeks ago I flogged the old one into walking to the top of our land, we had a good day, decent bag, but he struggled with the walking.

Managed to get him up there again, but with alternative transport!




Threw him on the back of the farmers quad as he was going to feed his sheep, I walked up with the dog, it was a little cold so I needed to warm up!

Once there we got straight down to business, dog marking up, no nets just the handy hobs! (Only got piccies when i got home, too busy to get them during the day!








Going well, not many getting out of the holes, shallow digs, and any that got away from these two were soon nailed by the dog!


Then it looked like a nasty weather front moving in!




We took shelter whilst this was going on!




It got worse!




But did not stop the dog from doing his thing, marking up whilst we sheltered!




It blew past after around 30 minutes, but left the place white!






Carried on though, plenty of digs but a few rabbits as well.

Decided it was time to head down to the truck, it had thawed slightly by now, and got accosted by a couple of teams of walkers wanting to know the in's and out's of rabbiting, (one was a really tidy lass, so I let her take a snap of the team!)



Ended up with 31, not easy, but worthwhile bunny's, another decent day at the top of the world!




All the best lads!

u had a good day 2 mate :clapper:
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Guest mickyrichardson

BRIMMER :big_boss: Well done mate you love making your old fella walk up hills in that weather don't you lol ;)



p.s they look healthy rabbits :whistling:

Edited by mickyrichardson
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good day out again brimmer :thumbs: ,me and john are out for a go tomorrow on some of the new permission,its a bit of a hike up some hills but i think it will be worth it,well done mate :D

did you get caught up in the hale stone like i did or was it snow?well done another good un for you lads

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