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First Ferreting Trip For 18 years

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Been out today for my first ferreting trip in 18 years due to giving up and taking a long break from it.

Used the ferret finder for the first time, which i found good but luckly not required. I found it fiddly to fit the collar on the ferret, with the first one i took so long the ferret stared getting snappy, so i got the other ferret out. It's there first season and the one i used went down and worked well with just a bit of messing about on the first hole.

I bought some 10 oz 1 meter nets from KP & S Nets and i found them good quality and with the extra weight they were very nice to work with and easy to untangle.

I only did two warrens and caught a rabbit from each in the space of two hours, plus i found and cleared some cover from some holes which i plan to ferret next week. One of the rabbits slipped the net and my lurcher was on it and snapped it up after a few metres.

I can't wait to get back out there.


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Aye hopefully just the start of things for you Shepp! :thumbs:

how much were your nets pal?


15.50 for 10 plus pegs at 3.50 for 10, got plastic ones with mushoom heads, work really well after i drilled holes in them for the cord.

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good bit of fun the ferreting bet you felt ,like a virgin again lol, good crack bolting them for dogs and a few nets if needed , glad you had agood time had ferrets for 20 plus years very handy ,for to pass a day and sport for the dogs ,and meat for the table etc

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