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what does imprint mean ?

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Hi Charlie.. The moult is a period of the year when a captive bred bird is put away to moult its feathers and grow new ones for the following season.


An 'imprint' or 'to imprint' is the method of rearing any animal to be extremely tame. In birds of prey the method is pretty standard practise in owls to tame them sufficiently to be able to handle and work with them. Breeders imprint falcons and Goshawks too so they are more easily accepting of methods used to artificially inseminate.

The relationship with an imprinted bird is quite different in so much as they start to see you as an equal and have no fear of you..this isnt as cute as it sounds though as theres always the risk that the bird becomes aggresive to you and a lot become very vocal. Its a method best left to people who really know what they're doing.

This is the reason why a parent reared bird is usually recommended to a beginner.

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