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Can anyone HELP Border terrier x Whippet

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One of the best dogs I ever owned was a Lakeland x Whippet, an accidental mating that I got for nothing.


An absolute superstar that I never left at home, great at bushing for foxes, deadly for ferreting and even caught a good few on the lamp.


I'm not saying he was the best dog in the world at any of these jobs, but as an all rounder he was brilliant and never left at home and never got injured. He was out of a proper working Whippet bitch by a good hard Lakeland dog so he had a good coat, nice bone, and sound feet.


Maybe he was a complete fluke, but I would give my right arm for another one like him.

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  cornishblackjack said:
Hi wondering can anyone help.Im considering putting my border terrier bitch to a whippet.Could anyone tell me if this would be a wise cross and wondering if anyone out there has any pictures of this type of corss. Cheers !!

yes an old friend of mine had one, the dogs name was spring, excellent wee rabbit dog, great nose, worked the rough very well, but gave mouth when he was on a hare,(((( not that the owner, wanted him to run hares, he would strike them off the seats,))) cought a few pheasants a long the hedgerow, he stood about 15" high, same coat as the border, whippet face, now I think about it he was a handy wee dog, the man who owned him was Joe Jones,

he was a good poacher,((( come from Grimethorpe, Yorkshire, lived his life in southwest scotland,

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If the parents were workers then I'd have probably had one off you if I was still in my old pesty job. A good little fox killing cover dog that won't go to ground is a useful tool and would have suited me down to the ground. Good luck.

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Guest ferret feller

my mate bred his working lakeland too a working whippet and produced some brilliant little pups spot on ferreters and they tackle foxes in cover too....offered me one for nothing as a pup but i stupidly declined thinking they wouldent be that good.

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some of the best fx dogs iv seen were jack x greys that were no bigger then a whippet, and iv been hearing alot of good things about pat x staghounds , so i see no reason why a border x whippet wouldnt be usefull in a team even if you were to latter on cross it to a grey

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Bet they would be a better general purpose dog than a straight bull cross.


Could work a hedge, ferret, and lamp.


No good on the big fields....


Reckon they could be similar to pure beddlingtons.


Who knows....its just other folks point of view....


How come there is always someone who says..i know a chap who had one....thus giving them an immediate authority to write a cross off, because there was never a crap collie cross, was there?


Give him a break, if he wants to try it let him.

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  wannabekeeper said:
  cornishblackjack said:
I understand this may not be a good cross but im asking for advice thats all.she will probably go to a border stud dog..Still does anyone knw what may come from this cross i understand that there will be wastage thou!!..


mate i know someone with the cross, almost useless, barked like fu*k, thats why people use the beddy, it doesnt bark, you dont want a sighthound that wastes its breath, so why breed it to a dog that has been bred to bark? its bloody stupid is what it is, if you knew anything about dogs you wouldnt consider it and you wouldnt have to ask, go and buy a book, read it. and then DON'T cross a border terrier to a whippet.


jesus. :duh::no: :no: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


who told you they never barked i have been out with a few & havent seen meany that never barked on a rabbits above ground. my mates keeped beddy for about 16 year & i have another mate thats keeped beddy wippets even longer & i have seen pleanty of them bark on rabbits aswell there full of lakeland blood as well these day . so maybe you should stop reading books & get out more with diffrent breeds of dog instead of reading about them in books. breeds change maybe a 100year ago they didnt bark but over the years i have seen them rabbiting they have barked as much as any othere terrier i have been out rabbiting above ground with. what harm will barking be if you have permishion anyway people have used yappy terrier for rabbiting for years. the lad that whants to breed them allready has a yappy terrier haveing a fast terrierx rabitting whouldnt be so bad.

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[/quote name=wannabekeeper' date='Jan 20 2009, 06:33 PM' post='868201]


who told you they never barked i have been out with a few & havent seen meany that never barked on a rabbits above ground. my mates keeped beddy for about 16 year & i have another mate thats keeped beddy wippets even longer & i have seen pleanty of them bark on rabbits aswell there full of lakeland blood as well these day . so maybe you should stop reading books & get out more with diffrent breeds of dog instead of reading about them in books. breeds change maybe a 100year ago they didnt bark but over the years i have seen them rabbiting they have barked as much as any othere terrier i have been out rabbiting above ground with. what harm will barking be if you have permishion anyway people have used yappy terrier for rabbiting for years. the lad that whants to breed them allready has a yappy terrier haveing a fast terrierx rabitting whouldnt be so bad.


cant get out much, got a broken leg. reading is all i have at the moment...dont ruin it for me :(


sorry then mate i wasnt having a go at you as a person mate you had the balls to say sorry witch is more than most. just trying to point out that you cant believe everything you read in a book. i hope your legs better soon so you can get out soon & do some hunting becouse it whould kill me if i couldnt get out. so you will just have to keep reading becouse its better than doing nowt. ps i have had 3 generations of jrt & havent had a yapper above ground yet even though everyone else that i have been out with yapp there heads off. :blink:

happy reading these forum are beter reading than any book. :thumbs:

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I think the progeny as has allready been said, would be something akin to a pure bedlington, it is after all a descendant of a terrier/whippet mating, and borders/beddies and dandie dinmonts all share similar anscestry. I doubt the first cross would be tall or fast enough to make much more than a bushing/rabbiting/ratting dog.

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