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Caught speeding

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Guest blackntan
  Foxgun Tom said:
I'm a bloody prat, :icon_redface: The wife's just got a notice to prosecute because I got caught speeding in the wife's car she's been asked too identify the driver because her car been noticed on a speed cam. I've no excuses :icon_redface: and I'm not looking for any!! I was doing 84mph on a 70mph stretch of the motorway Anyone been in similar circumstances and what was the result?? I fully admit I was driving and obviously at that speed? I've got a clean license and no endorsements, what can I expect??



what is you insurance status tom
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3 points plus £60, i was done at ninty odd on the m way, tom do't forget to send your paper part of your licence for your points mate, i didn't, when i got a random pull a couple months back, i had my licence revoked 18 months previous, so they towed my car away, £150 or near as for that plus a daily charge, it was an old shitter, so i let them crush it :wallbash:

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3 points/£60, OR if you're lucky, a 'Speed Awareness Course' option, since your license is clean. You still pay £60 to be patronised and drink tea for 3 hours, but you avoid the points.


Forget this bollocks of 'dragging it out' and just pay the money and get on with your life.


It shouldn't make any difference to your insurance renewal, but you'd be advised to tell them because it can cause problems if you claim later and haven't disclosed it.

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  claybusers al said:

i got caught 97.4 mph on the M74 at lockerbie recieved 3 points £60 fine if you did it accept it it only gets worse if you try to dodge it



got caught same place same speed!! on the 29th Dec it was the 2nd time in 4 years same flyover oh well keeps the filth busy wouldnt want them catching too many glasgow drug barons or arresting kiddie fiddlers, bunch of lazy pricks

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I got caught in November by the camera in the back of the van at the side of the road.I got "flashed"on the wednesday evening and the pink "intention to prosecute" letter arrived on the saturday asking who was driving.Sent it straight back saying it was me and by the following friday had a letter back saying "we will not prosecute you this time so watch your speed".Result :clapper:

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Insurance will charge you a bit extra 'loading' they take them into account for 1st two years & then dont hit you for it.

That camera van on M74 is a right sod. It's always there

Ive nearly got a clean licence for 1st time in 4 years. At the end of the day I think you was unlucky, most people travel at 70+ on motorway & dont matter what speed you are doing there's always some donkey up your back end.

Edited by Doglost Co-Ordinator
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  claybusers al said:
i got caught 97.4 mph on the M74 at lockerbie recieved 3 points £60 fine if you did it accept it it only gets worse if you try to dodge it

Thats a fact mate and the best advice you've had althow the fine can be £10 for every mph over the limit,you feel like a criminal now but just admit it put it behind you and get on with life, watch your speed.Good luck ;)

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Guest Mass_G3nocide
  csme55ex said:
  Mass_G3nocide said:
I done over a 110 and overtook police they didnt chase you much before THE POLICE INTERCEPTOR'S


dont make out u cant even pass your test lol




Coming from a bum without a car Who really cant drive.

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you could have


not signed the np

but wrote on a seperate piece of paper, that you and your wife were both in the car, taking it in turns to drive back on a long drive, niether can remember seeing a camera flash, therefore you cant remember who out of the two of you were driving, its down to them to prove who was driving,

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or you could use the great speeding fine loophole,if the car is registered to your wife then the letter asking who was driving the vehicle will be arriving for her shortly,all she has to do is put a distant relatives name an address on this form an NOT sign the bottom whatsoever an that will be the end of that

an before any of the coppers or wannabe coppers or retired coppers come on here saying im wrong iv done it 4 times in the last 10 monthes,just keep my extremly fast car registered in someone elses name

its great,i love speeding

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