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Mk 1 Locators

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Back on this old chestnut again. Ive scoured the internet, back posts etc. does any one know the numbers that deben scratched off the chips in the Mk1 locator boxes??? I know deben have a patent on the design and dont want you to copy it but i aint paying silly money to get them repaired. I dont want to 'upgrade' to a Mk3, All i want is those numbers.

Most comon cause of the Mk1 playing up is dry joints on the solderring, normally on the depth wheel. Unfortunately ive got a box with bigger problems now and have tested it all except for those chips.

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But the big black chips have the numbers scraped off. i took mine in to work and the guy said it might take you two weeks to identify all the chips half a hour to build one once you know what they are and all for about £2

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the top pic with the grey bar at the bottom of the unit.... mine has snapped


That's just a ferrite rod onto which they've wound the search coil. If you're feeling industrious you could wind a new coil onto a replacement rod, just make sure you record the winding pattern and number of coils as you disassemble the old one...


See, I knew going to tech for 5 years would come in handy at some point!

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Back on this old chestnut again. Ive scoured the internet, back posts etc. does any one know the numbers that deben scratched off the chips in the Mk1 locator boxes??? I know deben have a patent on the design and dont want you to copy it but i aint paying silly money to get them repaired. I dont want to 'upgrade' to a Mk3, All i want is those numbers.

Most comon cause of the Mk1 playing up is dry joints on the solderring, normally on the depth wheel. Unfortunately ive got a box with bigger problems now and have tested it all except for those chips.


Sorry just realised your a different person to the other post!


Has anyone got a schematic of the circuit board, it'd probably make it easier to work out what the chip is doing before you start trying to work out a number...

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The grey bar is a ferrite rod aerial, available from maplin.




Without knowing the tuning of the standard antenna this would be useless for anything but the rod, unless you have a 'henry meter' the only way to know is count the windings and rebuild to the original spec.


Unless someone has fitted one of these as a replacement and can say otherwise...

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