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This weekend iv'e seen birds being swung against trees, two three times before dispatched, the use of stocks, priests etc. For me it's a simple case of picking said bird up, grasp by head, hold body with other hand and firm twist, not twist and pull but just break the neck in one fell swoop. Simple easy and importantly quick.


Anything else using various implements means added time, you don't have to find your hands they're already available.


Without giving it the big I am, if you aren't happy killing the quarry you have wonded then really should you be shooting at it in the first place?


Just my point of view.

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  hiho said:
I find it easyer to unload my gun as i walk towards it and load it back up with 00Buckshot and shoot it at point blank with both barrels Nice and quik



That might be ok if your not near members of the public and want to weigh it in at the local scrap yard and dont want to eat it as it would cost a fortune in dentist bills.


Still easier and quicker to wring its neck.

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