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Smoker for rats

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Guest SPUD 1

Ur dogs should mark the holes and then u should use ur smoker !


Let the smoke travell around (Block up a few holes if need be) and wait for the smoke to rise from the ground, If you watch the smoke bellow out of the holes you mite see it stop and start a bit which would indicate that a rat is in the tube.


Then sit tite and let the dogs do the rest !!!!! :good:


Good luck :good:

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my Borders stand back a bit from the holes once the smoker starts pumping mate


Most of the time my terriers sit and wait for the bolt (I think this comes with experience) unless there is a rat really close to the end of the tube then a quick dig with the spade and the rat is accounted for ;) It is not a good idea to have your dog have its head stuck down the holes with smoke bellowing out of them for any period of time IMO this does no good the rat wont bolt and I have seen terriers take a turn for the worse from doing this!


Each person will find there own way of catching rats that they find works best for them, personally I don't mix the fuel too much, it is the fumes that make the rats bolt and not the amount of smoke in the holes IMHO. mixing the mixture too thick will eventually damage the smoker, although a little bit of smoke is nesseccary to see which holes it is reaching etc. When possible I try and get to the holes before the terriers do (I know this is hard but not always impossible ;) ) The rats will be more reluctant to bolt after 2 or 3 terriers have been digging and the mouth of the holes.


Good luck to you all!! :good:

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