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Well as sme may know I purchased a kelpie x a while back.Ive been out a lot with her lately due to unemployement so shes really coming on well.heres a few pics of her.Im not sure if 1 or 2 have been up before so i'll stick them up again.


the above picture is from this morning,she never came across sheep before but carried on as if they were her mates.I was really pleased that she had no issues with them.


the ram above was actually blind.Born blind the farmer explained to me,Ray Charles came to mind :clapper: The ram came steaming in and actually bounced off the dog.Then it proceeded to sniff the hair from its back,not a bother from the bitch.I expected some reaction but no,calm and cool.




A few grounders we did but to be truthful,very unproductive,we got 3 from this warren.


Taz net guarding.



The one very strong quality she has is nose,shes starting to mark warrens with more frequency.




last one,hope you liked.Good hunting,JIGSAW

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Thanks guys.Shes very relaxed and the deerhound was mooching about today on the hill.I expected a hare to get up at any moment so i was able to keep her tight to my leg while ''MURPHY'' the deerhound searched about.I was amazed she stayed next to me.i thought she couldnt resist running about after him,but no,all she wants to do is please me.I kept checking to see if she was near me and she never once moved.The trouble and expense I had to go to get this bitch was all worth it.I nearly lost my car engine over her but hell Im glad I did now.Time will tell how effiecent she'll be at bunny snatching,heres hoping(but realistically I'm very confident)

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I honestly wouldnt keep a dog that was iffy with livestock.My heart would be in my mouth if I wasnt 100% certain the dogs were steady to stock.I had a pitXgreyhound 12 years ago.The drive this dog had was phenominal,hed take anything anywhere anyhow.I saw him taking a fox by the arse,but the fox took him by the nose.Not a squeak from him,he waited till he was released and then proceeded to demolish the fox.But the b*****d was very unpredicitable with sheep.One day you could walk amongst them with ''BARNEY'',the next day he just might decide to grab one by the head.From then on I swore every dog I had would either be steady or dead.I took a lot of game with barney but he was heart failure material.I DONT NEED THAT I CAN ASSURE YOU.lol.Ive been with a few farmers over the years that have commented how steady the dogs are with stock.They left me to my own devices once they knew I was a safe bet.

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