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Best guard dog's

Guest Mass_G3nocide

Best guard dogs.?  

212 members have voted

  1. 1. Best guard dog's?

    • Rottweiler
    • English bull terrier
    • American Pitbull
    • Alaunt
    • Rhodesian ridgeback
    • Staffodshire bull terrier
    • German shephard/Alsation
    • Doberman
    • Pyrenean mountain dog

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Al go for the Kurdish Kangal, now thats a beast of a dog :censored:

Nice but its hard to get good working line's here in the U.K..

but ya a good choice

Atb T 7

Didnt even know they were here in uk mate would love to have 1, am sure its presence would be enough even though it was a big softy. :D

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this is my favourite of our gourd dogs bronson

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Al go for the Kurdish Kangal, now thats a beast of a dog :censored:

Nice but its hard to get good working line's here in the U.K..

but ya a good choice

Atb T 7

Didnt even know they were here in uk mate would love to have 1, am sure its presence would be enough even though it was a big softy. :D

There is almost everything in the U.K mate....

Atb T 7

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Guest fence_hopper

There was a post i think of here i can't remember, if i remember right they come in all different shapes and sizer there known as man biters some type of asians i think have them. i know it's a long shot but someone might know

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All them dogs are probably capable of doin the job if trained to. My uncle used to have german sheps at the scrap yard they were a nightmare, and S pep of this site has a beast of an English bull ,if hes in the van theres no need to lock up ,you would need a shot gun to rob anything..

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geese!!! :yes:
ive never heard of that breed of dog have you any pictures


ha ha!

all dogs can be bribed and or poisoned with food or shut up in some way!

geese make a hell of a row if some one drops over your fence at night no matter what!



Not all will be bribed with food, properly trained a guard dog will only eat from the source from which he is trained too.heres some presas we met..

Edited by firstrike
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id of voted mallinois if it had of being there for all round protection work but iv voted alsation my mum and dad had a good one when i was a nipper bout 10years back used to be loyal as hell and wouldnt let any stranger near the house you had to earn that dogs trust got a rottie now hes not bad round the house or in the yard bit stupid though. i like the presas and aluants though i would think twice if one of them was in a yard barking and running up and down the fence lol. ;)

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geese!!! :yes:
ive never heard of that breed of dog have you any pictures


ha ha!

all dogs can be bribed and or poisoned with food or shut up in some way!

geese make a hell of a row if some one drops over your fence at night no matter what!



Not all will be bribed with food, properly trained a guard dog will only eat from the source from which he is trained too.heres some presas we met..



which is a fair comment, our Rottie would take a hand before food from a stranger if they tried to enter his domain :)

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What is the best guard dog please choose an option and give reason if you like underneath.If you have any other suggestions on a good guard dog let us know.


Working german shepards are the best for attack mode, but my neighbour had a shar pai all i had to do was fart and the fuckinggg thing would scream its head off even though they are useless for any thing else

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Been watching some good dvd about bite training Leeburg really good info on picking and training pups,his opening sequence is about choosing your breed and he says most american dogs dobermans GSD nd rotties have been ruined by their kennel club prefers to import from Germany intresting a lot of people have said the same to me as mine have hardly any SHOW attributes but a scoring highly for work,I socialise mine as much as possible with strangers and different noise gun chainsaw pots and pans and KIDS from as early age as possible but I wont let strangers pet them .

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My Bully does a good Job guarding the House and protecting me.. Hates strangers, especially Men!

If she see's anyone while we're walking even If they're a mile off she'll stand by my side and wont take her eyes off 'em, very focused!

Got a gob on her but Isn't afraid and doesn't hesitate to get stuck In (We forgot the Dog was out and my Uncle walked straight In :blink::clapper:)

She's great with the Family though as Is natural with Bull Breeds.







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alsation and german shephard are the same breed? i vote ridgeback as my uncle used to have one and it could f*****g guard. if i could have any guard dog it would be a fila brasilia. i read they there guarding instinct kicks in as young a 3months old :o

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as a keeper i had a lot of guard dogs GSD's where very good the best i had was an american pit bull pre ban the most loyal dog i ever owned to the point only i could feed him walk him or clean out the run. but latterly the best ive had has to be a jack russel would take on anything and if a strange person or vehicle came near the house he went mental if he knew them they could of walked straight in and he wouldnt get of his bed

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